Chapter 5: An alpha emerges

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In his dream world, he was walking around and looked like that he was in Boston in 2019, almost like there was massive battle was happened here.

Y/n: Jesus. What happened here? Why'd I feel like I've been here before?

Then he saw bunch of monsters was going to the bigger one and was bowing down to the monstet, he walked and saw something really massive and he was surprised by what he saw.

The dinosaur like monster roaring the sky while the other monsters was bowing down into his rule as king of the monsters. Y/n saw the creature and he realized about him.

Y/n: (I get it now. That creature or whatever it is, and it's me, and I cause those things to bow! I was meant to rule and protect my planet.)

Then he wakes up from his dream world and noticed that the cat was sleeping on his head like a pillow. When he gets up from his bed and noticed that he got a message from Mittelt that today the day to kill Sasha and her boss.

So, he told them to meet them within before the plan becomes in motion. So throughout the day at Kuoh Academy, and he beats up the perverts with Koneko.

(Major timeskip!)

At home in the evening hour, Y/n was getting ready to kill Sasha and was told to meet her, and her boss at the same place as where he was going. He turned to Maya and her friends and she said.

Maya: Good luck.

Y/n: Don't worry, mom. I will. I'll be safe.

Then he went out the door and meet up with Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt. So Raynare told him about her boss and was named Kokabiel, an fallen angel with 10 wings.

It was beginning to turn night hours and they sees, Sasha and Kokabiel. Y/n looks at Kokabiel with hatred in his eyes. Kokabiel orders the fallen angels to attack them.

Y/n change into his human/Kaiju form and start to attack them with Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt. He used his claws to slice them and tail smack towards each other as Raynare and her friends used their light spear to kill the other fallen angels until Sasha decided to join the battle and charged towards Y/n.

Sasha was gaining an upper hand on Y/n and upper cutted him as his tail slams down and he begins his charge up.

(Imagine him in his human/Kaiju form)

As tails was glowing brightly blue and went all the way to the dorsals and his eyes was glowing blue, then he released an atomic breath from his mouth and used it at Sasha, then she blocked it with her teal yellow light spear. Her light spear started to crack up a lot and flew up to the air.

Sasha: (Damn. This guy is really strong and I'm struggling against him! Guess to call it.)

She then whistle the creature to aid her battle and it was a titan, it was called Ion Dragon and she merged with the dragon.

She then whistle the creature to aid her battle and it was a titan, it was called Ion Dragon and she merged with the dragon

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