Season 1 finale Chapter 10: Showing the king's dominance

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Outside of his backyard, Y/n was working out and using new moves that he's going to use on Riser. After he was done working out, when he was about to go to the ORC club, Rossweisse said his name and he turned to her.

Y/n: What is it?

Rossweisse: Before you leave, are you really a titan?

Y/n: Well, yeah. *Looks at the readers* If you see the Bio of this story.

Rossweisse: I'm going to say that you're a huge deal between Asgard, supernatural world, and the human world.

Y/n: Also, the hollow earth.

Rossweisse: After you've done with Riser, I would want to go on a date with you.

Y/n: Fine.

Then he walked out the door and he was prepared for his fight between Y/n, the king of the monsters against Riser. So at the ORC building, Y/n gotten in and saw sakuya Izayoi, Sirzechs's maid.

 So at the ORC building, Y/n gotten in and saw sakuya Izayoi, Sirzechs's maid

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Sakuya: Are you ready for this?

He nodded and she teleported him to the battlefield, he changed into his kaiju hybrid was taking a survey on the field.

Y/n: (Seems like a big field for me to let loose. Let's hope my new moves work.)

As he was walking around but a fireball was hurling at him, but it landed at him and didn't effect him. He looks to his side and turned to Riser. He slammed his tail on the ground to scare Riser but he was confident that he's superior to Y/n and before he could speak, Y/n ran up to him and punch him in the face.

Y/n: Damn, that felt good.

Riser's gotten up and take a look at his broken arm, so he pulled out Phoenix tears and use it and his arm was instantly healed.

Y/n: (Healing items. That's new.)

Riser: That's was very rude of you interrupting my speech.

Y/n: Sorry, I couldn't hear all of the bullshit from that shit mouth of yours. Also, you need breath mints because your mouth stinks like a carcass of a dead titan.

Riser was mad at Y/n for insulting him, so he used his fireballs and Y/n used his arms to make a "x" formation and block the fire. So Riser ran up to him and he landed a punch but Y/n caught his fist and snatch the Phoenix tear vile from his pocket.

Y/n: I'll be taking those.

Riser jump back and used a fire magic to burn Y/n and he absorbs it and he was back to his supercharged state. Riser flew up to the air and Y/n ready his fist while his arm was engulfed by atomic energy. Riser then flew down at fight Y/n, but Y/n used one of his new moves he learned and punched Riser while he used atomic punch and created a shockwave.

Riser was surprised and getting mad by his new move and Y/n just laughed at him.

(Kinda like this)

Riser gotten back and landed a left hook on Y/n and crashed into the floor. He saw a tree is a size of the human, he looks at Riser and Y/n said.

Y/n: You know what?!

Riser: What!

Y/n: You know what?!?!

Riser: What!

Y/n ripped the human-sized tree from the ground and shoved it into Riser's throat.

Y/n ripped the human-sized tree from the ground and shoved it into Riser's throat

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Y/n: Eat your fucking vegetables god damnit! Eat your fucking vegetables!!

Riser kick him away from him and cough the tree out of his mouth. Y/n looks at Riser while he was still coughing from the tree he tried to shoved. He ran up to him and made a dropkick to his chest. Riser looked at him and his mind was broken into pieces.

Riser: How?! How's he beating me?!?!

Y/n: Why? Because you're too cocky when you're facing me. Some monster I knew back at Boston in 2019 said the exact same thing and look at him, dead and cooked.

Then Riser was making a fire magic but Y/n was charging up a supercharged nuclear pulse then he used his nuclear pulse to dispersed Riser's fire and his regeneration abilities. Riser screamed in pain and crashed into the ground and looked at Y/n with pure terror in his eyes.

Riser: (Terror) Get back! Get away from me, you monster!!

Y/n walked towards Riser and he placed his foot on Riser's chest and he looks at him.

Y/n: Look at yourself, Riser. You're really are a chicken, aren't you? You and your cocky attitude makes me sick and don't show your ugly, smug-ass, fuck face ever again. Do take this me sparing you from your death from me.

He walked away but Riser was about to strike him from behind, he senses Riser and backhand him.

Y/n: And don't strike me from behind.

Everyone was cheering for Y/n and he was confused about what's happening but he realized that they're cheering for him. So Sirzechs showed up and said something to Y/n.

Sirzechs: Congratulations on beating Riser, Y/n. Now tell me, what's your reward? A title, women, or something else?

Y/n: Well I already owned two of those. And I want Riser's peerage to live with me and under my care I'll treat them as people not trophies. But you need to take a look at this.

He showed him Kuroka's file and Sirzechs look at him and said to Y/n.

Sirzechs: I'll inform the everyone on Kuroka and her innocence. But she'll be under your care.

Then after Y/n has won victorious and he went back to his house and inform Kuroka is now innocent and he'll take care of her and she was crying in pure happiness and everyone was starting to party, as for Y/n, he went to the ocean and head to a place for him to evolve into more powerful form of his.

(Meanwhile in the hollow earth)

There was a unknown ape like titan and he senses Y/n's energy and the others too.

There was a unknown ape like titan and he senses Y/n's energy and the others too

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???: He's awaken....time to invade the surface.

Then the screen cuts to black.

(Hope you guys enjoyed the season 1 finale! Looks like Y/n is going to evolve because something is coming and who's that mysterious ape titan that's not Kong.)

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