From the Sea (Arny aka Birlap)

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"Something is caught in the net!" Danny yelled out as the tour boat they were on sailed closer to the mass in the water. With all together in Florida, Arny lined up a boat tour around the islands. They had been out nearly all day, seeing the pods of dolphins jumping and playing. Huge school of fish just below the surface. A real treat for his friends who had been landlocked all their lives, the traveling of the merfolk to their mating pools.

The boat ease alongside of the mass that was a fishing net that had been abandon. Tangled up was something fighting to free itself but losing the battle. Arny pulled off his hoodie and shirt jumped in the water with a knife strapped to his calf. The creature made clicking noises and squeals as Arny swam closer. It fought harder against the ropes that were cutting into its body.

"Blood in the water!" The captain yelled out as the red liquid leaked from the creature. Arny spoke softly, pulling the ropes as gently as he could to cut it free. The guys watched the waters frantic for sharks. As the ropes were cut away, the creature stopped fighting, it was hurting and tired. Arny's voice soothed the creature. Finally, the rope holding its head down was cut, it lifted its head to taking a much-needed breath.

"You are a mermaid." Arny commented, looking at the mermaid's dark coffee-colored eyes. Pitch black hair circled her shoulders as they bobbed in the water. Her moon pale skin glow against the blue of the water around them. Arny worked the rest of the net from her body, being as caution as he could with her fins. Freed from the mermaid, the net was hoisted on board to properly get rid of it.

The mermaid started to sink. She was too wounded to keep herself afloat. Sheathing the knife quickly, Arny pulled her to him and started to swim for the boat. She did not fight him. In fact, she curled up against him, making it easier for Arny to swim. She swooshed her iridescent tail slowly, trying to help move through the water faster.

Danny and Brandon helped the mermaid up. The rope burns on her torso and arms were bad.

"Poor creature must have been tangled up for hours." The captain expressed, giving the first aid kit to Danny. The mermaid tried to scoot away, leery of the box in Danny's hands. Arny was out of the water and at her side. She grasped at his hand for she was scared.

"It's okay. Danny is just going to get the bleeding to stop. He won't hurt you." Arny spoke to her. Her dark eyes peered up to him. She landed her head against his thigh, trying to be still as possible while Danny doctored her wounds up. Arny ran his fingers through her wet hair, whispering that she was going to be okay.

"She's really cold." Arny worried to the captain after Danny was done bandaging the burn that had started to bleed in the water. Arny knew that when a merfolk felt cold, it was a sign that they were in serious trouble.

"Get her on your lap and pulled that huge hoodie over the both of you. There is a blanket below, grab it and bring it to them." The captain spoke to Pete while Arny was positioning the mermaid on his lap. Her torso was short, so her head was resting comfortably on his shoulder. Brandon helped Arny with the hoodie, getting them both inside. Arny held her close, hoping his body heat was enough to help her. Pete covered them up with the blanket, just the end of her tail was out.

"Won't she dry out?" Brandon asked as the captain started back to the docks.

"Just a bit, but she will need to heal completely before she goes back into the ocean. I know a place that helps injured merfolks." The captain shared, looking back towards the lump under the hoodie and blanket. Poor thing would miss out on this year mating ritual and meeting their mate.

As Arny held her, the mermaid slid her wedded hands over his chest. Her eyes had adjusted, and she could see the pictures on his skin. She traced them tenderly, trying to figure out why they were not wiping off. She snuggled closer, listening to his heartbeat. Her heartbeat synced up to his. Burying her nose into the crook of his neck, she took in his scent. It was pleasing and something she had never experience before. She found herself pressing into his body, not understanding why. She began to purr.

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