A Heavenly Discovery (Angel)

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This story is inspired by the recent 'Samael's Fall' photo shoot of Poetic Bastard (poetbastard on Instagram and TikTok) Greed (fokken_greed on Instagram) is the photographer and Poetic Bastard did the editing and is the angel. I do not own the rights to this picture. Yes, it is currently my lock screen though.

The Story...

So, I inherited a huge money pit from my grandfather, Walter. I stood there at the twisted iron gate of the possibly crumbling manor house that had been my family's legacy for seven generations with the world's biggest WTF look on my face. The façade of the grey stone seemed to have become Swiss cheese over the decades with the wear of the rain and other elements. Nearly all the windows were cracked in a way. Weeds ran rampaged in the walkways and flowerbeds.

Yet, this is all I had now. My divorce took all I had, letting my ex-husband living quite fat from all my hard work. He was 'researching for his book' and I supported his dream. Alimony was a bitch. The cute two-story cottage house that we had restored together now was his home with his side chick who was about to have their first child. I gave him the house in lieu of more alimony. At thirty-four years old, I had practically nothing to call mine, save my mode of transportation.

Ornithologist do not make a lot in the area I live, even with being an avian veterinarian on top of that. I have steady employment at a specialty vet office, handing the feather variety. I am on call when I am needed for my expertise. I have been able to skirt by with very little in my checking account before payday. I was on a ramen soup and cracker diet to help make ends meet.

"Well, Nevaeh, here you go." My grandfather's lawyer handed me the keys to the tragedy laying before me. "I hate to say it, but you would probably make more money selling as is to a development company." His words held water. With the money that came with the inheritance, there would probably not be enough to get this place to code for selling. I would be looking into developments in the area soon enough.

"Thank you." I took the keys and thrust the large iron one in the keyhole. The lock groaned in protest but gave into the key. The gates swung open with the most ominous sound. Yep, this was the beginning of a horror movie.

I let my small SUV coasted to the front entrance, guarded by grotesques with broken wings. Not gargoyles since no water was coming from their mouths. The double doors were domed, fitting with the manor. I looked about the place sadly. I had seen pictures of this place when it was beautiful and full of life.

If only my grandfather and father, Dillon did not have the falling out when my father was sixteen. My grandmother had died suddenly, and my grandfather had become a recluse. Apparently, it came to blows one night when my father tried to get him to start living again. With a black eye and cursing his own father's name, my father left to live with his aunt and never set foot in the house again. Since I was the only direct living family member left, I inherited it.

With a flashlight in my hand, I walked up the worn steps. I shone the light through the broken window. Dark, gloomy and the perfect place to freaking get murdered in. Or haunted by the ghosts of the past. I was leaning more towards ghosts.

Steadying myself, I unlocked the door and pushed it open. Dust laid on the floor and there was a layer on all the furniture. Nothing looked broken and there was no graffiti on the plaster walls. I found the light switch and was surprised that the lights came on. I smiled, thinking maybe it can be a doable place to live until I found better than the crap studio apartment, I was currently in.

I turned about and scared myself with my own reflection in a large, square mirror in the foyer. My long, dark brown curls were piled on my head in a messy bun, and I was still in my blue scrubs for work. My cat eye style glasses framed the green in my eyes with their purple rims. I could only see my head and shoulders for I was only five foot one with my shoes off. The glass did not see my curvy frame with a slight pouchie belly, thick thighs and round breasts under the material.

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