Finding Love in the Carpathians (Vampires)

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This story has technically four love interests, but her human boyfriend is being a dick. And, well you will read what he does. It is a MFMM story, and they treat her like a princess. 

The Story...

When Jerry, my boyfriend of three years told me he booked us a getaway, I am ready to pack my swimsuit. The past year had been hell in our relationship with the distance due to working so much and trying to get life goals accomplish. I was looking forward to just me and him with our toes in the sand and drinks in our hands. I was hoping that it would end with him on one knee and me saying yes.

So, I think it was to be expected for me to be upset that when I learned the romantic trip was not that romantic at all. Not a bit. No beach, no sand, and no drinks in our hands. Instead of packing a tiny bikini and flipflops, I had to pack hiking boots and bug repellent. Oh, and learn a new freaking language! I was still hoping to see him on his knee.

Hiking in the Carpathian Mountain of Transylvania was Jerry's idea of a getaway. He had a goal to hike to along a portion of the mountains that was known to be the wildest of the region. There were reports of creatures that lived in the forest, unlike seen for centuries. I like to view my animals in zoo, behind glass or metal, thank you very much.

Yet, when we flew into Bucharest, I am in awe of the historical buildings and city scape. It was a beautiful place called Little Paris. There were so many museums in the city, and I wanted to explore them all. The varieties of food were amazing, and I could just sit and eat all day.

I tried to convince Jerry to forget about the hiking trip and just enjoy the gorgeous city. You know, something more on the romance side. Jerry was dead set on taking us to the wilderness where a local guide was going to lead us on the trail. So, we would not even be alone. Great and I was hoping to at least get some freaking forest sex in while on this trip.

Now, it is day four of the hiking trip and I want to pull my hair out. The guide, Ivan barely speaks English, and I am having to keep the translation book in my hand to speak to him. I can't be mad at him for one, I am in his country and two, he is really a sweet fatherly type who started to call me floare draguta (pretty flower in Romanian). Even with the language barrier, I rather talk to Ivan than Jerry most of the time.

Jerry really gone off the deep end of this hike. He was talking about quitting his job in sales and becoming a hiking vlogger. When I looked at him and asked what about us, he replied with "Well, if you want me to live my dream, you will support me." Needless to say, that at night, we went to sleep angry. The idea of having sex has gone out the window. I have entertained the idea of running away with Ivan and leaving Jerry in the forest.

Ivan was staring into the woods while Jerry was trying to get the fire started. I wanted to help Jerry, but he brushed me off, saying that he had it. I sighed and walked to Ivan. The strange look on his face made me worried.

"Ce este acolo? (what is out there)" I asked as a fear was settling into my bones.

Ivan turned his face to mine. "Strigoi. (vampire)" His tone was low and fearful. I swallowed a lump in my throat. I know that I have only met this man just like nearly five days, but I trust his instincts more than Jerry's entire being right now. "Head back zori. (morning)"

"Multumesc. (Thank you)" I smiled at him. He patted my shoulder and left to gather more firewood. I want back to Jerry to talk to him.

"Jerry, honey. I think it is time for us to head back to Bucharest. This has been...nice, but I think..."

"It is always what you want. If you had it your way, we would be at a boring beach, sitting in the sand with drinks in our hands, getting wasted." He seethed at me.

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