A Dragon's New Pet (Arny/Dragon)

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This story has mentions of past S/A. Attack on a dragon. 

On a lighter note, Arny takes a dragon to an adult store. Yea, I went there in the story. Enjoy.

Late Summer...

Loose rocks on a walking path. Stumbling to catch himself, Arny realized too late that he was going over the side of the steep hill. Releasing the leashes of his dogs to save them, Arny tucked himself to lessen the injuries as he rolled down. He felt like a cartoon character, his body cartwheeling down. A sudden stop. His head bashing against a flat stone. His vision blurred. Blood tipping his fingers after touching the side of his head. He could not move, aching all over.

Apollo's barking was caught in the wind, sounding through the thick woods. Two golden eyes appear from a dark deep cave, listening to the unusual noise in their territory. Inhaling, the scent of fresh blood grab their attention. Humming about the possibility of an easy meal, the creature emerged. Midafternoon sunlight shined off their iridescent purple scales as their lean serpentine body flowed about the trees. Forest animals hid from their presences, not wanting to be a snack.

The creature located the source of the blood at the bottom of the steep hill that mark the start of protected lands. Apollo was still barking, trying to get to his master along with their sibling. The creature's large nose sniffed along Arny's unconscious figure. Their long bi-furcal tongue lapped up the blood to let the healing agents in their saliva prevent infection and seal the wound.

"Hmm, looks like I have a new pet." The creature, a dragon mused. Gently rolling Arny into their maw, they headed back into the woods to their liar while carefully carrying him in their teeth. There, Arny was laid on soft furs. The dragon stoked the fires that were dotted about, ensuring their new find would be warm. Carefully, they filled a clay pitcher with crystal clear water and sat it next to the sleeping pelt with a small bowl to drink from.

Rummaging about the shelves of their organized hoard, the dragon found the medicine elixir that a wizard friend of theirs made a few centuries ago. A few drops into their pet's open mouth and they would be as good as new after a restful sleep. The dragon curled around the sleeping pelt, resting before meeting their pet

An hour or so later...

Arny groaned, feeling like the ton of bricks that were laying on him slipped off. Looking about, he realized that he was no longer at the base of the hill, but it a cave. And that cave was home to a dragon! Arny's eyes were filled with the image of the two slender deep amethyst horns that topped the head. Thie long body encompass the area where he laid. Two powerful looking wings were folded to their back. The dragon was slumbering.

Arny looked about, spying the pitcher and bowl. So thirsty, Arny poured himself bowl after bowl of water.

"Carefully, too much water will make you sick." The voice from the dragon shocked Arny for it was not a rumbling sound from thunder, yet soft and gently like a light breeze. They rose their head up to looked at Arny. The familiar sounds of whines followed for Arny's dogs had trailed the dragon to the cave and decided to nap with them.

"I...fell." Arny stuttered, not believing what was happening. "How..."

"I smell your blood. Found you at the base of the hill. You are on my land now." The dragon caressed Arny's cheek with their snout. "Technically, you are my pet." They smiled, showing their razor sharp teeth. Their dark amber eyes full of glee.

"But...I don't even know your name." Arny tried to think logically to get him out of the situation he woke in. A pet to a dragon while on their territory. There was not an organization that would help him. He had to save himself.

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