The Card Shop (Danny Phantom Exe/Demoness)

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This is just a fluff story. Hope you like it.

The sound of the bells made Ava lift her head from the paperwork in the counter and smiled. Carrying in a large box of his merch, Danny made his way to the register. Ava called him earlier, letting him know that the last piece got sold and people were asking when another shipment would come in. Danny, not wanting anyone to wait, headed over to his favorite card shop and his favorite demoness.

"I got another box to get and I will get started hanging stuff up." Danny said, giving the ruby skinned creature a kiss on the cheek. They became friends when Ava opened the shop over a year ago. It was just down the street from where he went to school. And she could get the rare cards and items. She suggest for him to sell his merch in her shop for a few customers asked since he was a regular. The sales were profitable for both parties.

"Great. And your order came in today too." Ava said, holding up the limited-edition Magic, The Gathering card set.

"Sweet. Just take the cost from the profit like usual." Danny said, heading back to his car to get the other box. Ava pulled out the enveloped that had Danny's portion of the sales of his merch. She took a small commission for the shop space. She was happy to have it because it gave her a reason to talk to Danny more. They would start out talking business and find themselves talking about everything else.

Opening the card shop was a risk since she was a demoness and unsure how humans would react. She was overjoyed for all the love and support she got. She was happy to be around others who shared her love of card games and flights of fantasy. Everyone was invited into her shop. Ava just had a special place for her favorite youtuber in her heart.

Getting the second box in, they started to fill the empty racks up. Danny smiled as Ava talked about the upcoming tournaments and events happening in the next months. Ava always had something happening. Since coming to the shop, Danny had made new friends, humans, and creatures alike. Now, it was nothing for him to find himself in a game with an elf, demon, and orc.

"Hey, I know that shirt." Danny said, tugging at the bottom of the shirt Ava was wearing. It was one of his merch.

"I love the design on the front. Just had to retrofit it for me." Ava said, turning around for him to see the now backless garment. Ava turned it into a halter top so she could have access to her wings when necessary. Right now, they were in rest mode, looking like two large bat wing tattoos on her red back.

"Nice." Danny said, giving her a look about. For a demoness, she was on the small size, barely five foot. Ava was all lean muscle due to being from Hell and all the training and torturing damned souls she endure over the centuries before retiring to be a card shop owner. Her hair flowed to her waist and she had been experiments with adding colors to her midnight locks with snap in extensions. Her facial features seem delicate with a slender nose, sharp cheek bones and full black colored lips that look cute when she pouted.

It was her eyes that Danny always found himself staring at. They were iridescent, never holding one color for long. As they would talk, he would watch them shift and changed with the smallest of motion. He could focus on them for hours.

"Earth to Danny." Ava tapped him with her black claw gently on the tip of his nose. He scrunched up his nose and looked up. She was standing over him, her faded blue jeans ripped at the knees and frayed at the bottom. She scooted the empty box with her black and white Converses. "I was asking what you had planned for tomorrow."

"Oh, um nothing. You close the shop early for that invitation only game tomorrow. Probably, make some videos. Why?" Once a month, Ava closes the shop early for a special game. No one knows who comes and plays. It was a big mystery. Danny asked about it but Ava only smile for a response.

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