Devoured by Monsters (Mutiple Monsters)

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Heads up! This story is long and full of monster smut. The first sex scene can be called dubious consent and there are multiple monsters. The rest are consensual. There is a bit of murder and taking over human's bodies. 

The Story...

"Mavis Woodman." The elder of the village called the name of the sacrifice. A murmur broke through the crowd. Mavis stood stun, grabbing the arm of her mother. It was impossible for her name to be in the lottery to be the sacrifice, she was engaged to be marry. Only maidens, without suitors, were to be devoured by the monsters that live in the woods.

"No, this is a mistake. I am betrothed!" Mavis yelled as the lawmen pulled her away. She was reaching out to her mother who was being held back by her stepfather. Phillip, her fiancé stood in shock as he watched Mavis being dragged to the holding cell until twilight.

"What a shame." Kathleen, the mayor's daughter cooed, resting her hand on Phillip's arm. She looked up at the handsome young man, trying to keep from smiling. She had been in love with Phillip since she was ten years old. Yet, he had eyes only for Mavis, the sweet, fawn haired daughter of the slain wood cutter. With Mavis out of the way, Phillip was bound to notice her now.

"I need to talk to the mayor. Everyone in the village knew she was my intended." Phillip expressed, pulling away. Kathleen frown, watching him leave. Talking to the mayor would do no good. What Kathleen wanted, she got. And she wanted Phillip.

Mavis watched as the sun dipped lower in the sky. She begged to speak to the mayor, her mother, and Phillip. Her pleads fell on deaf ears of the lawmen. Her whiskey-colored eyes were now red from crying. The sleeve of her blouse was tear covered. She kept stroke her braid to keep her calm.

"Mavis!" She heard Phillip call to her. She raced to the cell bars, reaching for him. They kissed threw the bars, holding on to the other. "My love, this is a mistake. The mayor is refusing to have another lottery."

"Why? My name should have never been in the lottery." Mavis cried, holding onto Phillip. "I don't understand."

"It will be okay." Phillip whispered to her. "I will slip out after curfew and free you. We will run away together." He told her. She kissed him, saying that she loved him. Phillip was forced to leave by the lawmen. Mavis reaching out for Phillip again, crying out his name. She turned back to the window, twilight was falling.

Mavis was dragged into the woods to the ritual stone. The woods were already filled with the sounds of the unnatural creatures that dwell just beyond the tree line around the village. Monsters of all sizes and shapes made their home in the thick, deep forest. Lone Mountain overshadowed the village was said to be the home of the Monster King.

"Please, this is a mistake." Mavis begged again, as she was being shackled to the vertical stone. Her body shook from the night air. The lawmen left, rushing down the path. Any human out would be eaten tonight.

Mavis stopped crying when she heard something walking in the woods. Too large and too many to be regular animals. In the full moon light, she could see them coming. Grotesque looking creatures, with long limbs, thick torso and sharp claws. They were all different and nude. She whimpered as they drew closer.

One of the monsters, a brown furred vampire bat like in the face with the ears reached out, ready to pull her from the stone and rip her into piece. His claws were just a breath away from her neck when he stopped. He smelled something different about this human. The monster pressing his large wrinkle nose to Mavis's neck and took a deep breath. He pulled back and tilted his head to the sky. A sickening screech torn from the jaws. The other monsters joined in, making Mavis temporary deaf from the sound. The long claws of the bat monster pick the shackles, freeing Mavis.

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