Hera's Lover (Brandon the Lover)

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Just a FYI, this was just going to be a smut story about Hera, the Queen of the Greek Gods and Brandon the Lover that I wrote for fun. There is a lot of sex in this one. 

If Zeus can do this, so can I. Hera thought as she sipped from her martini glass. She looked out to the crowd bar, hoping to find someone to entertain her for a night. Over the millilumens, she had grown tired of Zeus's infidelity and all his demi-god children. She was always angry at the women, thinking how they must have seduced the King of the Greek Gods in some matter. Now, she accepted the fact that Zeus was just a horn dog who care not who he hurt. Especially her.

Now, she was in the mortal world, looking for a mortal lover. Her large, cyan-blue eyes scanned the area. She realized that she dressed a bit modest for the scene with her long dress of blue silk and a scoop neck. The sleeves were held with little gold chains, draping to show her shapely arms. Her long dark, brown hair was down, in curls to her waist. She wore flats for her five-foot ten frame intimidated people. The low lights of the bar made her ivory skin paler looking.

Her eyes caught the gentleman who was looking at her like she was an exquisite piece of art. He was sitting at a table by himself, nursing a drink of an amber color. He dressed in black, nearly blending into the shadows of the bar. When he noticed that Hera was looking at him, he smirked and licked his lips.

Hera rolled her shoulders and approached the man. As she moved closed, she could see that his raven's wing black hair rested on his shoulder and feathered around his face. His eyes were dark brown and held depth. He had strong facial features. He is better looking than Zeus. Hera thought taking the empty seat at his table.

"Good evening, beautiful." The man's deep voice made her shiver. She had never felt that before. "Looks like you are on the hunt for something."

"Yes. I believe I found what I was hunting for." Hera tried a seductive tone, looking him up and down. He was sporting a few rings on his fingers; one was a clawed finger ring on his right index. She wondered how that would feel scratching down her back. She looked away, sipping on her drink.

"Really? Maybe, I was hunting for the same thing, and you could be my trophy." The man sat up. A little smile played on his pink lips as his eyes roamed over her form. Hera squeezed her thighs together, not having the feeling of being desire in such a long time.

"If we both want the same thing, why waste time?" Hera asked, finishing her drink.

"Tell me your name first." He sipped his drink slowly.

"Hera." She spoke while looking at his eyes. Those dark eyes that were feasting on her face and body. She felt a bit wanton in the way he looked at her.

"I could be Zeus." He mused playfully.

"Do not speak that name to me." Hera replied angrily. She looked away, nearly disgusted with herself for leaving Olympus in the first place.

"My apologizes. I'm Brandon." The man caressed her hand. His touch was gentle and warm. Hera turned back to him. His eyes were apologetic and soft. He finished his drink. Standing up, he buttoned his suit jacket. He held out his hand to her.

Am I really going to do this? Hera asked as she looked up to him. He was tall, even taller than her. Taking a breath, she placed her hand into his. Gently, he pulled her from the seat. He looked down at her and smile.

"Tonight, all you desire is yours." He stated, giving her a smirk. He led her from the bar to his car. Opening the door for her, he watched her every move. Walking around the car, he smiled about the treat he found tonight. He could not wait to see her naked, moaning his name out in pleasure underneath him.

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