Seeking Truth (Incubus Danny Phantom Exe)

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This story has smut, smut, and just a bit more smut. With a brothel and TWO incubi, that is what you get. It is all consensual smut. And a bit lifesaving for the FMC too.

I modeled the character Madame Rose after the actress Linda Hunt from her role in the 1985 movie 'Silverado'.  This is what I had in mind. 

Danny Phantom Exe and Brandon the Lover are in the roles of the incubi

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Danny Phantom Exe and Brandon the Lover are in the roles of the incubi. The story is more based around the FMC and Danny's character, Daniel. 

This story has other creatures. They just play a supportive or minor roles. There is murder happening in the story. The italicized sections are flashbacks. I do not own any of these photos. I found them on Google search. 

Now, to the story...

A griffin had been killed.

Kneeling down, Detective Hollister Smith lifted up the now blood-stained sheet that was covering the large corpse on the cracked blacktop. The griffin was dressed in a smart business suit of blues and greys, colors that complimented his golden and white feathers. He wore not shoes due to his sharp taloned feet. The angle of his neck and wound on his head provided the answer to his death. Death by impact of the ground.

Hollister lowered the sheet down. Cocking her head up to see the tall building behind her, she made a calculation that the victim was thrown off the building. Standing up, she absent mindedly wiped her gloved hands down her black slacks. She shook her head, letting her long braid of dirt brown hair fall over her shoulder.

"Victim is Cornelius Fowls. Age 998. Owner of Global Telecommunications." Her partner, a fawn colored werewolf named Ranger read from the file from his phone. Ranger was dressed like normal with his sturdy jeans and green flannel overshirt, paired with a black t-shirt. Since he was in were form, the thick skin of his feet protected him. "His wife reported him missing last night."

"A business mogul died in a seedy part downtown from a fall. Now, where are his wings?" Hollister asked, looking up at the building where she could see a few officers combing the area for clues. Her violet eyes tracking their movements. In her fifteen years of being on the police force, she had never seen a griffin killed before.

"Only blood and a few feathers matching Fowls where found. No wings." Ranger looked up from the body. "It is like the John Doe, the mothman on seventieth and fourth. Killed, wings removed."

"Those were removed after death. And the weapon was an arrow from a high-powered bow. This was done before, while Fowls was had a chance to fight back. We need to get the body in for a postmortem examination. Drugs had to be involved to subdue him enough to not fight back." Hollister looked at the body. Since this was the second unexplained death to a winged creature, the media was going to have a field day. And, it is a well-known person of the city, the need for answers were going to be great.

At the victim's townhouse...

Mrs. Julie Fowls, a human woman of seventy wept softly as her hybrid son, Julien held her. Hollister and Ranger arrived to give the family of the news of their love one's passing. Along with her son, the couple's older daughter, Cordelia was there with them.

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