The Thief and the Gargoyles (Gargoyles)

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This is a multi-partner one. MFMMMMM, if you understand. This one is vulgar and very smutty. 

The story...

I was hired to steal from the Gargoyles. A man, wizard actually paid me fifty pieces of gold up front to heist a rare and powerful ruby that had been under the guard of the creatures for over a thousand years. Another fifty would be given to me on completion.

I recall, sitting at that crude cut table of the pub with my pipe in my mouth as the white-haired man in elaborate robes gestures wildly with his hands as he spoke. I kept my hood over my head and face for the last thing I needed is to be recognized. The last thing I wanted is to be thrown in jail. Or worse, returned home after being away for ten years.

"You are the great Shadow, thief of legend." He nearly shouted for all the pub to hear. I hissed at him, grabbing at the fabric about his neck. I pulled him close to my face to let him know my next few words were not an idle threat.

"Lower your tone or you will have no need for such a jewel for you will be dead." I warned with my hand on my dragon tooth blade. I tossed him back in his chair and returned to my own. I glanced about, ensuring no one was listening to our conversation. "Where does this ruby reside?" I asked. That would make the difference.

"In the keep of the Black Sky Mountains." The wizard replied with worried eyes. No one ever came back from the Black Sky Mountains to tell the tales of the wretched place. It was a two-day journey there and the keep was another day inside. I bit at the stem of my pipe, thinking if I should take the job.

He tossed a bag on the table. "Fifty now. Fifty when the ruby is in my hand." The wizard stated. I grabbed the bag off the table. GOLD! Without reacting, I retied the bag and placed it in a hidden pocket of my jacket.

"You have a deal." I held out my hand to shake. He pinched my index fingers and gave a tiny shake. Dick.

Four days later...

I was kneeling in front of the gargoyles' king with chains about my neck and torso. The two creatures that held me were stoic as rocks while the king looked me over. I felt so exposed without my hood and jacket hidden me. There was nothing to prevent anyone knowing that I was truly a woman.

My long braid of light scarlet hair fell over the leather of my shoulder. I stared up at the king in a defiance matter as he analyzed my face. His large stone-grey hand with sharp claws lifted my small chin. His thumb traced my jawline. For a beast so massive, his touch was gentle.

"I have heard of the Shadow. A thief so effective that no one is the wiser when they are there. And long gone before anyone realized that they were there at all. Tell me, why did you not take the ruby when you had the chance?" The gargoyle king asked with a curious tone.

I studied his face and form while he stood before me. True to the rumors, he towered over normal men for he was at least eight feet tall and looked to be cut from the very rocks of the Black Sky Mountains. Long black hair spilled to his tapered waist that was adored with a leather loincloth to cover himself. Square jaw, strong nose with sharp cheeks. Fangs that rested over his black lips. Extreme broad shoulders with a wide chest. Thick with muscles limbs. His bat like wings were fashioned like a cloak over his shoulders with two smaller claws working as a clasp. A long, rope like tail moved slowly behind him.

"I was hired to steal a ruby. That is not a ruby that all." I stated. What I found was more precious than any riches in the world to the gargoyles. Something that they would wage a war to have return. "I was not hired to steal a gargoyle's egg." I replied.

His eyes softly. "Not many mortals can tell the different between the two. An unfortunate side effect that had causes many of my kinds the pain of losing children before hatching." The king paced away. "This egg is of legend for it will only grow in the womb of royal blood." There was sorrow in his voice.

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