Chapter 81 The professional quality of the pretty boy 1

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As the sky dimmed, a video recorder was set up somewhere in the Huayang Film and Television Base.

The field team was busy setting up the venue.

The movie they are going to film next requires dozens of extra actors to play the roles of displaced refugees. Due to a misunderstanding, the refugees thought that the male protagonist was the culprit who harmed them, so they ganged up to attack him, putting the male protagonist who was unwilling to take action against the people into danger. situation, was rescued by the heroine, and began the road to revenge.

This scene is not difficult, but the scene of beating up the male protagonist is risky, and the actor who plays the male protagonist, Ning Hedong, happens to have a fever and is sick in the hotel today, so the scene naturally falls to the stuntman Gu Chao After Ning and Dong recover, we will shoot a few more scenes showing their faces.

It was early spring, and the cold wind was blowing through the thin costumes, blowing on the body, biting the bones.

Gu Chao got ready and found the director who was in charge of the scene. He smiled politely and said, "Director Zhao, I'm ready."

Director Zhao glanced at him distractedly. He was so talented and good-looking that he was not afraid of hardship or tiredness. The young man was very fond of him and said kindly, "Xiao Gu? Just wait for another two minutes. Some of the extras are not ready yet."

Gu Chao nodded.

There was no one around. Director Zhao rarely felt like chatting. He took a sip of hot water and asked with some curiosity: "Xiao Gu, I think you are no worse than those traffic niche students. You are also talented. You can definitely go for a serious audition." "Character, why do you want to be a stuntman?"

Not only is he talented, Director Zhao has filmed so many movies and TV series, and he has only seen Gu Chao who can understand or even understand the role without clicking. To exaggerate, it is comparable to many actors with strength. called actor.

To put it in an old-fashioned way, Gu Chao was born to be the one he was born to be.

The key point is that he is good-looking. He is in his early twenties, with very handsome eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, bright eyebrows, and eyes as bright as glazed stones. Even though he is wearing a poor costume, his appearance alone makes him look good. It's eye-catching.

Especially when Gu Chao smiles, he reveals a single small pear dimple on the left side of his cheek. His whole person has a youthful and sunny temperament. He looks like someone else's child. When he sees it, he can't help but feel good about her.

Not to mention talent, just with this appearance, Director Zhao couldn't understand why Gu Chao was willing to be Ning Hedong's shadow?

Before getting an answer, the steward on the other end made a gesture, indicating that the arrangement was complete and the extras were ready.

"Actually, it's nothing. I owe Brother Ning a favor." Gu Chao blinked, answered casually, and finally said with a smile: "Director Zhao, I'll go first."

Director Zhao waved his hand, and after a while After reflecting on what Gu Chao said, he was still confused, what kind of favor should he do this?

But Gu Chao had already gone to film.

He seems to have a special ability. After getting the script and pondering it for a while, he can understand the soul of the character.

The person who was smiling just now was now stepping in the mud, looking at the numb-looking refugees, with pain in his eyes that seemed to burst out of his bones.

He saw a mother and daughter staggering and falling. The mother hugged the little girl and sat in the mud, crying. He curled his fingers and took a few quick steps forward, wanting to help, but when the refugees saw him, their numb expressions immediately became ferocious and twisted. They rushed forward, surrounded him with stones and sticks, and shouted questions with bared teeth and claws. They all asked him why he was not there when the rebels attacked the city a few days ago, called him a traitor, and cursed him to die.

It's not an exaggeration to gouge out the heart and scrape the flesh. He moved his parched mouth and wanted to explain. He wanted to say that it was the emperor's envoy who asked him to take his subordinates to leave. He wanted to say that all this was a conspiracy. A stone hit him hard. , a trace of blood slowly snaked down his forehead, blocking the unspoken words in his throat.

"You, the Heng Family Army, said you would protect every citizen of our city, but where were you when the rebels came?! Where were you when our family was destroyed?! Did you do it?!" "

Traitor! We were so in vain. Believe you!"

The man with a back as straight as a cypress seemed unable to bear the pain of having his liver cut open and crying blood, and was finally bent over. His expression was blank, and the world lost color in his eyes. In the end, he lowered his head and did not fight back. , allowing the people to vent their anger on themselves.

Intense grief pours out from the limbs and bones, and through the screen, it is enough to infect everyone who sees this scene.

Director Zhao couldn't help but feel regretful every time he watched Gu Chao's performance. It's a wonderful performance, but it's a pity that the last scene where you show your face will be cut off.

"Stuck." After the shooting, Director Zhao, who had come to his senses, shouted symbolically. Looking at the general who had just been so heartbroken, he suddenly smiled and turned into a youthful young man. It was so fast that people couldn't react. Come.

Gu Chao was not surprised when he learned that it was done once and quietly went to look for iodophor.

Because the director specifically asked the extras to be as real as possible and imagine that the person they hate the most is him. His forehead was accidentally smashed just now. As a stuntman, after the rare scenes were played, there was nothing left for him on the set. , which also means that no one will come to help him treat his wounds.

Fortunately, it was just a small cut. After Gu Chao cleaned the blood stains and carefully applied a bandage, a message came in on his phone. He took a look at it, said hello to Director Zhao, hurriedly changed out of his costume, and rushed to the nearby store. The hotel is looking for Ning Hedong.

But as I walked, the bruised area became hotter and hotter, and my head gradually began to feel dizzy.

Gu Chao stood at the intersection, staring at the red light in front of him, shaking his head vigorously.

The countdown ended and the red light turned to green. Gu Chao frowned slightly and covered his head, thinking that Ning and Dong were still waiting for him, so he still took a step forward.

The traffic lights in front of him began to blur, and the zebra crossing was twisted and intertwined like black and white piano keys. Starting from the small puncture, the whole head seemed to explode. Gu Chao's breathing was stagnant, and he staggered when he was about to reach the opposite side.

The green light turned red at some point, and a low-key and luxurious car was blocked by a young man who suddenly stopped. The driver quietly glanced at the man in the back seat who was looking down at paper documents, and honked.

The piercing whistle was like a needle inserted into his mind. Gu Chao only had time to turn his head and glance at the car before his vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

Driver: "..." It's too late to live a long life.

Instead of waiting for the car to restart, the driver opened the door and got out of the car. Huo Jiangyue opened her eyes. After the driver came back, she asked calmly: "What's wrong?" The driver was about to cry, thinking that

his boss still had a meeting to attend. Come on, what is this? He explained: "Sir, someone touched the porcelain."

Huo Jiangyue paused, as if he suspected that he heard wrongly, and asked: "What?"

"Someone touched the porcelain." The driver repeated He said once, "He fainted."

Huo Jiangyue was silent for a moment, raised her hand to rub the bridge of her nose, and quickly made a decision: "Send him to the hospital first."


The boss spoke, and the driver turned to help the unconscious person on the ground. After hesitating in the passenger seat and the back seat, under Huo Jiangyue's instructions, he lowered the back seat and fastened the seat belt.

The car restarted, this time changing direction, heading to the nearest hospital.

Huo Jiangyue put down the information and looked at the people next to him. He was surprised to find that the boy who touched porcelain was young. He was probably still in college. He had an extremely outstanding appearance and did not look like he would do such a thing.

The comatose person seemed a little uncomfortable, as if he had a nightmare, his brows were furrowed tightly, his face was sullen with grievance, and a small dimple appeared on one side.

Huo Jiangyue couldn't help but take a few more glances.

After a while, Huo Jiangyue looked away, took out her mobile phone to send a message to Liang Teshu, and the small meeting was changed to online.

The smell of disinfectant filled the tip of his nose. Gu Chao opened his eyes and saw a white ceiling above his head.

He almost thought he was still dreaming. He blinked and saw that the things in front of him had not changed. It was really not a dream.

Also, he had just had such a long dream, and it was time to wake up.

"Are you awake?"

A low and melodious voice sounded not far away.

Gu Chaoxun looked around and saw a person sitting on the chair next to him. He was wearing a well-tailored high-end suit. He looked about thirty or so. He had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, thin lips and straight nose. He had an extremely powerful aura, and his whole body was full of the strategizing power of a superior. His temperament and calm gaze make people dare not offend him at all.

He has a laptop on his lap and headphones on his ears, appearing to be working.

Gu Chao knew at a glance that this person must have a high profile and was someone he couldn't afford to offend. He sat up half-way on the bed and said politely: "Is it you who sent me to the hospital? Thank you very much. I am What's wrong?"

The man took off his headphones and said calmly: "You suddenly fainted and fell in front of my car. The doctor said you were overtired."

Gu Chao really didn't expect this to be the reason. He thought he had smashed his head. .

After touching the treated wound on his head, Gu Chao remembered that he seemed to have blocked a car before he passed out. He said in a very apologetic tone: "Mr., I'm really sorry. How much is the medical fee? I'll transfer it to you now. ."

Before the man could speak, footsteps suddenly came from in front of the ward.

A middle-aged man walked in quickly and asked, "Sir, the formalities have been completed. Shall we leave now?"

Huo Jiangyue nodded, looked at Gu Chao, paused on his face, and said: " No, it's easy."

At this age, he fainted due to overexertion, and his life was not going well in the future. The medical expenses were not even a drop in the bucket for him, so he just thought of doing one good deed a day.

Just as the meeting was over, Huo Jiangyue turned off the computer, got up and prepared to leave.

Gu Chao was a little surprised. The person in front of him didn't look like a kind-hearted person, not in a derogatory sense, just in a literal sense.

In any case, he obviously delayed his work and asked him to pay for his medical expenses. Gu Chao felt a little sorry. When the man passed by him, he quickly grabbed the hem of the man's suit.

Huo Jiangyue cast an inquiring look.

Gu Chao moved his lips, and suddenly remembered that such a person really did not need his medical expenses. When the words came to his lips, he changed his words inexplicably: "Can you tell me your name? When I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay you. "

The driver's eyes were strange, his eyes fixed on Gu Chao's face, and he took a deep breath.

What a good guy, not only did he have an affair, but he also set his sights on his boss.

The routine is so obvious. Couldn't this man see that his boss is most indifferent...

"Huo Jiangyue."

Driver:? ? ?

When the driver was surprised, Huo Jiangyue didn't think anything was wrong. He just said casually to appease the shy young man. Anyway, after today, they will not have any intersection.

Gu Chao was stunned.

The name was like a key, awakening the memory of the dream he had just had.

This title... I can't think of a title orz

Xiao Gong is about growth! It will be a little tough at first, but it will skyrocket ~ step by step ~

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