Chapter 145

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It was not convenient for others to know about this matter. Ron had prepared a separate room. Surprisingly, besides Morris and Ron, there was also a person wearing a holy robe in the room.

Maurice was too embarrassed to go see Uriel and asked Ron to introduce him.

"The Envoy of Hughes, Holy Son of Uriel, this is the Holy Son of Light in Dali Town, Holy Son of Angus."

Angus seemed to be sick, and his face was a little pale, which was well concealed by the white robe on his body.

He glanced at Uriel inadvertently, his eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly looked away, with the same attitude: "Angel of Seuss, Holy Son of Uriel, good day."

Pelosius suppressed the deep thought in his eyes and said, The memory is actually touched by this name?

Uriel's smile slowly disappeared, and his fingers twitched for a moment, but he quickly reacted, and the smile he raised again was gentle and polite, without any mistakes, and he nodded and said: "Holy Son of Angus."

Others may not notice it, Pei Losius sensed Uriel's unhappiness immediately. He looked at Uriel's clenched fingertips and frowned.

Uriel knows Angus?

Before Pelosius could observe any more, Angus over there spoke again.

"I also discovered the situation in the Elf Forest, but I didn't expect you two to move so quickly. It's a pity that I couldn't help. It's a pity."

Angus sighed, feeling a little embarrassed: "I really want to know about the darkness. What's the plot? That's why Ron shamelessly brought me here. I hope that Divine Envoy Hughes and Holy Son Uriel won't be angry. If it's really inconvenient, I'll just stay in the room and wait for you."

Ron disagreed. He said quietly: "Holy Son Angus, you helped us find the remaining fallen elves despite your illness. You just came to watch the interrogation of the Lord God. How could it be inconvenient?"

The smile at the corner of Uriel's mouth stagnated, feeling that he There was a strong smell of tea.

He lowered his eyes to cover up the flash of vigilance in his eyes, pursed his lips and smiled, and said warmly: "Yes, Ron is right, Holy Son Angus helped even though he was sick, so why didn't he help? I Even if you don't have enough respect for Hughes, why would you be angry with such a natural request?"

Uriel tilted his head and looked at Angus in confusion, as if he really didn't understand why Angus said that.

Yes, Uriel is famous for being kind and tolerant, and Hughes is the envoy of light. They are not people who would be angry over such a trivial matter.

Ron and Morris were stunned for a moment, looking at Angus strangely.

Angus's embarrassed expression froze for a second, and there was a cryptic look on his face, but everyone could see the grievance. He whispered: "Holy Son, God's envoy, I didn't mean it. I'm really sorry. Maybe it's these two people." I was born sick and my head is a little confused, so I speak casually and don't word my words carefully. It's my fault."

The implication is that you say you are not stingy, but you know that I am sick, so why do you still find fault with my words?

Uriel almost fainted from the smell of tea.

Pelosius lowered his eyes and saw Uriel clenching his hand again, and there might be a few dazzling red marks on the white and soft palm.

Before Uriel spoke, Pelosius' golden eyes glanced coldly at Angus, who froze on the spot for a moment.

"As the Holy Son, every word and deed is related to the majesty of the god. How can you speak at will? Angus, your faith does not seem to be firm." The

Holy Son is elected by the temple according to the affinity of the light power, and the divine envoy But it was decided by the gods themselves, and they can be called the gods' representatives in the world, above all believers.

To a certain extent, "Xius"'s words are the words of the God of Light.

The most important thing for a believer is faith in God. If this sentence spreads... everything he has worked hard on during this time will be in vain!

Angus' face was extremely pale.

Ron was sweating under the weight of the heavy air. He looked at each other and Morris said, "It's getting late. The two holy sons, Archangel Hughes, let's go down."

Pelosius withdrew his implicit threat . He looked down and nodded: "Yes."

Ron and Morris hurriedly led the way, Angus followed eagerly, and Pelosius and Uriel were at the end.

The palm of my hand was lightly scratched by something.

[Is Hughes helping me on purpose? right? right? ]

Pelosius clasped Uriel's troubled fingers, spread his palm, looked at the few red crescents, frowned, and warned: "Never hurt yourself for others."

Uriel Seeing Pelosius's eyes sparkling, he curved his lips and smiled. The little chicken nodded and communicated with Pelosius from his heart.

It was completely different from the tit-for-tat confrontation with Angus. He was not falsely gentle and his tone was soft.

[So did you help me on purpose just now? ]

Pelosius has no choice but to acquiesce, why can't he acquiesce?


Uriel narrowed his eyes with a satisfied smile, and his eyes were faintly red with extreme pleasure.

Pelosius lowered his head and used his precious divine power to heal the little crescent moon in Uriel's palm without feeling anything wrong at all.

There are seven fallen elves in total. According to Morris, the last two traces disappeared outside the Elf Forest. It was not easy to find them after the clues were cut off. It was Angus who discovered the plight of the Elf Forest and took the initiative to help find them.

To prevent them from escaping, Ron and Morris unanimously decided to be imprisoned in the hotel's underground dungeon.

This dungeon has been closed for a long time, it is dark and damp, and the air does not smell very good.

Ron led the way and explained: "This was the dungeon used to imprison traitors during the War of the Gods. It has not been used since. I never thought it would be useful one day."

Morris also sighed.

Although it is a dungeon, the elves have always been gentle and friendly, and the fallen elves are not living too badly. There is a cell for each fallen elf, and there are elves who take care of them and calm their emotions.

Under Maurice's nervous gaze, Pelosius examined the fallen elves one by one.

"How's it going? Divine Envoy Hughes, where is the source?"

Pelosius looked at one of the fallen elves who looked at him angrily, frowned and said, "The source is in him, but the darkness has erased part of his memory. All I know is that they ate some kind of pollutant and spread it to other elves through some way. This kind of pollutant allowed them to not cut off their connection with the mother tree even if they fell, allowing themselves to become a medium and pollute the mother tree."

Ron glanced at the elf with a complicated look, opened his mouth, and said: "Angel Hughes, he is my friend, he often comes to the hotel to help, he has a good personality, maybe he was bewitched by the darkness, he... "

Pelosius knew what Ron's unfinished words meant, and after thinking about it, he said, "Just use enough light power to purify it."

Morris breathed a sigh of relief.

They now have two Holy Sons here who have been favored by the gods, as well as the God Envoy. The light power should be enough, right?

Uriel stepped forward and said, "Let me come. You have just used a lot of divine power in your investigation. Please rest first."

Pelosius met his eager eyes and guessed that Uriel probably wanted to show him a hand. He gave it a faint tick, without saying that that bit of divine power was just a drop in the bucket, and said, "Okay."

Uriel's eyes curled up with a smile, and he stepped forward to purify.

He stood at the door of the cell, his palms glowing with the same soft golden light, his delicate and beautiful eyebrows were illuminated by the light, and his drooping eyelashes were shrouded in a sacred color, which was incredibly holy.

The depressed and irritable fallen elves were soothed by this power and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Every time Ron saw Uriel, he came to buy flower seeds. He had never seen his friend purify before, so he couldn't help but marvel.

Maurice was attentive and noticed a slight moisture leaking from Uriel's forehead, and couldn't help but look at Angus, who was silent at the side.

Angus noticed the look Morris cast and thought he wanted to purify himself. He subconsciously took a step back and said with a forced smile: "High Priest, I'm sorry, my illness may have affected my divine power..."

Although Morris was disappointed , but didn't say anything, nodded and looked away.

Pelosius did not miss this scene, thoughtfully.

After the purification was completed, Uriel's originally red lips lost some of their color.

As Morris and Ron thanked him sincerely, Pelosius held his shoulders and transmitted divine power silently.

"We prepared a sumptuous lunch, thanks to the Holy Son and the Divine Envoy..."

The group of people walked out, with Pelosius still holding Uriel at the end.

Uriel leaned against Pelosius, seemingly too "weak" and wished he could lean his whole body on Pelosius and cling to him.

"You did a good job."

Pelosius said in Uriel's ear, his deep magnetic voice accompanied by his warm breath, which spread out a tingling sensation in the ear.

Uriel's cheeks turned bright crimson and he blinked at Pelosius.

But the voice in his heart was different from the shyness on his face, he was clearly taking advantage of the situation.

[Is there any reward? ]

Pelosius glanced at him and asked, "What do you want?"

A lot of unspeakable things came into his mind.

Pelosius's face darkened, he pinched the back of Uriel's neck lightly, and said slowly: "Let's talk about it later."

Uriel's eyes widened.

[But you said this last time, and it's been two or three days now and you still haven't given me a reply. ]

Uriel squeezed into Pelosius's arms dissatisfied, rubbed his furry head against Pelosius's neck, and said aggrievedly: [Peusius, you can't do this. 】

My neck felt itchy, and the body rubbing against me was warm and soft, exuding a light sweet fragrance.

Uriel did it on purpose.

He is no longer satisfied with the current period of ambiguity.

Pelosius felt like a mirror, his Adam's apple rolled up, and there was something hot in his dark eyes.

He held his head in his arms, gave a clear time, and whispered: "Let's talk about it after we go back to the temple."

The matter in the Elf Forest was settled, and it was time for them to go back.

Uriel stopped, raised his head, and showed a bright smile.

【This is what you said! ]

"Yes." Pelosius pinched his face as if punishing, and led him to follow the people in front of him who were about to disappear.

Morris and the others didn't notice anyone falling behind at all. Angus didn't know what he was thinking and didn't look back all the way.

The group went to the hotel on the ground and sat down in the room arranged by Morris and the others. The table was already filled with sumptuous special dishes and drinks.

After everyone sat down, there was not much false conversation. After Morris and Ron happily thanked them again, everyone ate together.

Having successfully achieved his goal, Uriel was also very happy, smiling happily, and drank several glasses of his favorite sake.

Pelosius looked at the blushing Uriel. Although he knew that sake would not make him drunk, he still frowned worriedly.

He was about to take away Uriel's cup when Angus suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "Holy Son Uriel, the purification just now was really wonderful. I admired your deeds, Holy Son, when I was in the town of Dali. , I'm deeply sorry for my verbal mistakes this morning. I'm toasting the Holy Son, I hope you don't mind."

Uriel didn't want to toast with him, and looked at Angus's smile with a pretentious look.

But before he said his polite refusal, Pelosius had already taken away his cup and said calmly: "Uriel drank too much. Drinking more will be bad for your health."

Angus's smile froze.

Morris and Ron looked at each other, tacitly reducing their presence and acting as if they didn't see anything.


Angus chuckled, but when he was about to sit down, his hand shook. For some reason, all the wine in the cup spilled on Uriel.

Pelosius originally sensed when the wine was spilled, but the rebound barrier set up by the divine power was penetrated by the seemingly ordinary sake, and all of it was poured on Uriel.

There's something wrong with the wine!

Pelosius suddenly looked at Angus.

[Damn succubus, you actually dare to betray Lord Urbinos. Since you want to be the Holy Son of Light so much, then let you try to expose your true nature in public——]

Well, the fun part is coming! 0v0

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