{Onward, My Wayward Son}

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(A/N: Is it just me, or do I quote from fandoms I'm not techincally in?)

Chapter 3


Kira's POV

First day on the journey. How did it feel? Nerve wrecking, that's for sure, but it was actually becoming quite fun. Red and Gary both left to do their own thing, and I was left alone. Littleroot town was a tranquil place. Fun environment.

Anyway, I made the treck up to Oldale town, just to get to know my surroundings. One thing is for certain, everything looks a whole lot different in the perspective of a character than in an aerial view. It was nice, though.

I was about to head west of the city, but I was immediately stopped by some random chick with long hair.

"Hey!" Yelled someone, it was a male voice. When I saw who it was, it was that weird.. chick with long hair. Oh, Arceus, I thought he was a girl..

"What are you doing? There are rare footprints here!" I mumbled a sorry and left him to his business. Sighing, I trudged north.

There were a few Pokémon here and there. Some were easy, yet some were a bit difficult, but I knew Emerald would like to be out. After a few minutes, I again, let her out.

"Treeee" She cried out, looking at me. I smiled. She was precious. I affectionately rubbed her head.

"Hey, Emerald." I greeted softly, smiling. My little Pokémon just gave me a grin. How heartwarming. It was so sweet. Well, I am a soft-hearted person, what can I say?

I kept smiling, but my smile faltered once I went north, since I wasn't able to go west, yet.

As we trailed off, we faced a few more Poochyenas and Wurmples before sighting two people talking to each other. I trudged my tired legs to them, noticing one as a male with a white hat and the other as a female with brown hair. I immediately recognized them as Brendan and May, respectively, or Ruby and Sapphire, but I don't care which name I use, I won't be able to speak to them, anyway. I am just too shy.

"Hello, there!" May greeted once she took notice of me. I nodded in her direction, giving a small greeting of 'Hi.' Brendan smirked and lifted the front of his hat a bit, revealing his dark hair.

"Hey!" Brendan greeted. I gave a shy smile and looked down, shuffling my feet. It was an awkward silence before May spoke up.

"Sorry, we were rude! We haven't properly introduced ourselves! I am May and this is Brendan. We are from Littleroot Town." I lifted my head to see those two smiling and nodding.

"Kira.. Leywood.." I whispered. It was hard speaking to people you don't know.

"Ah, a quiet one, eh? Wish I had a friend like you, everyone I know speaks too loud." Brendan spoke, putting both hands behind his head while closing his eyes. May looked red in the face and smacked him.

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? I DO NOT SPEAK SO LOUD..." and there I go, tuning out her 'little' rant. I had turned around and got out Emerald, so I could bond with her.

"Sorry I left you in your pokéball too long.." I spoke with a volume just a bit louder than earlier. I pet her again and she smiled.

"Treecko treee" I let out a small giggle, and didn't notice that both May and Brendan had been watching me. Brendan cleared his throat.

"Anyway, I have to go back to the lab and help Professor Oak." His face looked grave when I turned around to look at him.

"Well, see ya ladies later!" With that, he left, whistling. May turned to me.

"Oh, hey! Want to come back to the lab with me? I was supposed to come and meet Brendan here and go back to Littleroot Town. I don't want to be lonely." Her eyes looked desperate. I couldn't possibly say no..

I nodded, smiling a bit. She smiled and hugged me. Oh.

I tensed up a bit, and she probably felt it too, because she immediately let go.

"Let's go!"

I trudged along behind her. I couldn't remember if I had put my Pokémon back in her ball or not, so I looked back and saw she was following me. I smiled. At least she likes me.

After countless minutes of treking through the small route from Oldale to Littleroot, we had arrived at the Pokémon lab. May went in to speak to Professor Oak, leaving me with Emerald at the entrance. I turned to her.

"Okay, I promise we will get our adventure started." I gave a promise to my little Treecko. She looked at me with a content look and nodded. I smiled. Again, I had not noticed people looking at me, not until I saw them from the corner of my eyes.

I turned back to them, blushing slightly. If I really have become anime-characterized, according to my little theory I have thought up, I should be blushing a light pink.

Oh, how I wish converting to another dimension would take away a lot, if not all, of my physical appearance.

I was small, 154 cm, an unhealthy weight, according to me, and a condition I have been born with, which I do not like discussing. Actually, I have not seen myself vie reflecting objects, so I personally don't know what I looked like. This may be a good thing.

I had not realized I was zoning out again, until I heard my name being called several times.




"Kira!" I jumped slightly. This was the second time that happened. I need to be careful. My thoughts are distracting..

"S-sorry..." I apologized, looking down slightly. I suddenly felt pressure on my right soulder. I craned my neck to see who it was. It was Brendan. Oh.

"Hey, it's fine." He smiled, causing me to smile just a bit.

"Ah, Kira." The professor began, grazing my attention from Brendan to him. "I have an extra Pokedex, and would like for you to go on your own actual adventure!" He beamed.

Wait - wasn't I technically going on an adventure anyway? Since last night? Has he already forgotten? Eh, I let it slide and smiled.

He handed me a red case-like thing. I opened it. It was beautiful. I had never seen the Hoenn Pokédex before.

"Thank you" I said just above a whisper, shaky. I turned to Emerald and smiled at her, petting her head.

"I guess I'm now officially a Dex holder, then.." I whispered, mostly to myself. Suddenly, two arms were around me. It was May's. I shuddered. She has to stop doing that.

"Yay! Adventure!" May practically screamed in my ear. I escaped her grip and sighed.

Well, this starts our actual adventure.


(A/N: I didn't want to end this chapter. XD but anyway, chapter three!! I wish people read this.. I put in a lot of effort into it...)

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