{Gym and Forest}

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Chapter 5


Kira's P.O.V.

I stood at the entrance of Rustboro Gym. I could feel the sweat drip from the tip of my nose to the ground. My head hung low. This was the first gym, and I am taking a step into something I wouldn't even understand.

But hold up, let us rewind a bit at where and how I got here.

After I left Petalburg, I ran into Gold. He seemed flustered and lost. Honestly, I was not expecting him to come around.

He had said something about... Blue punishing him for something he didn't do? I don't know. He was acting strange.

I let it go and bid him a quiet farewell. He did the same, but not without giving me his PokéNav number, which I have not had my hands on. He assures me that I will.

I felt strange. That was strange. He is strange. All of this is strange.

No matter; as I continued out West of Petalburg, I encountered several trainers wanting to become stronger, so they challenged me.

Not going to lie, some were harder than others. Which was why I had caught myself a few Pokémon.

I caught Belan, my shiny Wingull. The areas where it was supposed to be blue, is green. I didn't know it was a shiny until I opened my Pokédex. I was in shock.

Also, I had no idea why I named her Belan. Yes, it's a female.

And Bella, my Shroomish. I have a love for all Pokémon.

Anyway, I sped through the Petalburg Woods, again, battling any trainers. It was easier, but it was still difficult.

I raced away to the Pokémon center, Pokéballs in hands. Nurse Joy took my Pokémon and healed them. I didn't want to add any details there, but once they were healed and I was out, I headed straight for the gym. This is where I am at now.

Oh, wait.. I forgot a little detail.

I ran into a Team Aqua grunt. He seemed surprise to see me. I don't blame him. I am pretty fabulous.

He kept mumbling something about 'alienated person' and 'Devon goods.' I was confused. I beat him, not so easily, and he left. I received a Great Ball from the dude the grunt was chasing.

Now back to reality.

I stepped through the door, looking around. It had an earthy feel to it. It was comfortable.

I made my way to the back where the Gym battles would be held at. Much to my surprise, there were already several people here. Most of them, I recognized.

Red, Gary, Blue, and Silver were on the bleachers to the side, or standing up, and battling the leader was Ash. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and was met with three faces, Max, Misty, and Brock.

Oh, boy.

What a day. I made my way to the other side of the field, avoiding everyone else. I let out Emerald, sitting down. She sat beside me and growled in content as I pet her.

Before I knew it, the battle was over.

"Congratulations." Roxanne bellowed after returning her Pokémon. Ash fistbumped the air, and I swore I saw Misty facepalm.

"You have earned yourself a Stone Badge." She handed Ash a badge, which he happily took.

"Any challengers will have to wait a few hours, maybe until tomorrow. My Pokémon are tired." Roxanne announced. I let out a small sigh and proceeded to exit the gym.

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