{Aqua Encounter, Again}

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Chapter 9


Kira's P.O.V.

"Faster! Come, on!" I yelled.

Gold and I were in the middle of a heated battle, my Grovyle against his Beautifly. We battled for fifteen minutes, calling out orders.

We were on our final Pokémon.

"Beautifly, use stun spore!" Gold ordered out. I grew nervous.

"Emerald, use agility to dodge the spores, and when you do, use pursuit!" Emerald went around in a blur, dodging the poison like I had said, but Gold had something else in mind.

"Beautifly, take this opportunity and spray string shot. And do it all over the ground." His butterfly Pokémon let out a battle cry and shot webs out of it's mouth onto our makeshift battlefield. Emerald got caught in it in the process.

"Emerald, quick use leaf blade on the strings!" I was getting nervous. I had the disadvantage, yes, but I was determined to win.

"Before she gets out, Beautifly, use stun spore all over!" Gold beat me. He beat me to calling out a move. My breath hitched, seeing my Grovyle stop what she was doing.

If I remember correctly, Team Aqua trained my Pokémon a bit.. meaning, they must have given them a move or.. that's it!

"Emerald! Facade, now!" Bingo, Beautifly has been hit and fainted. I won.

A four on four match, and I won. I dropped to my knees after I returned Emerald. I looked at her Pokéball.

"We won, Emerald.." I muttered quietly, happily. I took in a deep breath.

That was a tough battle.

Gold held out a hand for me to take. I quietly took it and he brought me up.

"That was a tough match, Kira!" He exclaimed, smiling. His eyes show he was a bit disappointed he lost, but he wasn't too concerned about it.

"I hope we can battle again in the future." I nodded. It was a tough battle, and I enjoyed it, but not the whole yelling out my orders. Heh.

The rest of the group were watching us from the beginning. Honestly, I had not noticed them until now. I gulped.

"That was amazing, Kira!" May shouted to me. I only nodded.

"Well, you are definitely louder in the battlefield than out." Brendan remarked. I shot him a look.

"Can't help it." I growled. I walked towards the Pokémon center, ignoring everyone else.

I let Nurse Joy heal my Pokémon. While I was waiting, I went back outside to the beach and just stood around, gazing. It, then, got too hot for my liking so I went ahead and took off my shoes and socks, leaving me with bare feet digging in the sand. I sighed in content.

A few footsteps were heard and I turned my head to see three figures.

Red, Gary, and May.

Seriously, why does everyone call him Gary? Wasn't it supposed to be Blue- er- Green? Or.. never mind. I'll think about it later.

"Hello." I greeted, turning back to the sea.

"Kira!" May began. I braced myself. "You battled extremely well earlier!" I could tell she was impressed, but to me, she didn't look interested in competitive battling. I understand. I hated competitive battling.

"Thank you.." My tone softened. I placed my hands behind my back and locked them together.

"Do you guys ever wonder.. if there was ever a world without Pokémon?" I suddenly asked. I was curious, I couldn't help that.

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