{Raiding Team Aqua}

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Chapter 18


May's P.O.V.

My Blaziken was training with Brendan's Swampert, fighting against each other in an epic duel.

"Brendan!" I called out to my neighbor and friend. He turned to me, hand clenching his PokéNav.

"Yes? What is it?" I shrugged.

"Nothing. Just wanted your attention." He sweatdropped and continued to use the PokéNav.

"What do you think about Kira?" I suddenly asked, looking immediately at Brendan. He stopped fiddling with the device to look at me.

"What do you mean by that?" He didn't look scary or anything like he would to people. He seemed very friendly. His white hat swayed in the wind, little strands of hair flow from underneath it.

"I mean.. we suddenly shunned her, like she did something very bad, but to be honest, I think the ones at fault here is not hers. I mean, do you get that feeling that she may not be as bad as what others think?" Brendan hesitated a bit. It looked like he was remembering something.

When I took my glance away from him, I see that our Pokémon were relaxing, being chill with each other.

"I have had second thoughts about her," he finally answered. "but I'm still not entirely sure what made me think of those thoughts. I mean, yeah, subconcious thoughts, all that mumbo jumbo, but this- this is different. Everytime I force myself to not think about it, I get a jolting - more electrifying feeling surge through my veins.

"And it hurts. We are able to talk about it now, and yet, nothing happens. What's up with that? I don't know. There are just too many questions that needs to be answered and yet, here we are, discussing them with each other. Look May, I know you care about her even if you knew her for a short period of time, but we have to keep our distance to prevent ourselves from getting seriously damaged.

"Remember that time she almost killed Ash?" His fit of rambling abruptly stopped as he began to carefully examine my face. My breath was caught at his choice of words.

"I guess you have a point, but ignoring her could mean the end of this world, as well, and I would rather sacrifice myself than to let everyone suffer for it." My newfound confidence rose astoundingly, shocking even myself.

Brendan nodded mutely as he returned his Swampert. I returned my Blaziken and watched him carefully. He brought out his Swellow.

"Come on, let's go find her before the world ends in disaster." I nodded and climb on with him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

General P.O.V.

Misty and Kira landed hurriedly in Lilycove. The orange haired girl just watched her friend in confusion.

"Return, Belan." The Pelipper glowed red and was sucked into the Pokéball. Kira didn't look back at Misty, but dragged her along, going around about the city until they reached Lilycove Beach.

"Alright, Kira," Misty withdrew her hand, annoyed at her sudden behaviour. "What is going on? Lately, you have been acting strange." Kira gave a saddened gaze before hardening it.

"Team Aqua is trying to awaken Kyogre, which they will use to drown the entire earth, or at least, that's my understanding... you have to believe me, I must stop them!"

The urgency was strong, but Misty was a bit shaken. Though she loves water-types, her morals are far more important.

"You're right." She said in a shaky voice. "And I must be the one to stop you." Almost suddenly, she quickly advanced towards Kira, lunging her fist.

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