{The Notebook}

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Chapter 23

December 20, ----

Turning ten, today. Mother complains. She doesn't want me to become a Pokémon trainer yet.

I don't want to leave her all by her lonesome, but I dreamt of this day, a day to finally explore the world.

I guess my good side has gotten the better of me, because my mother had talked me out if becoming one for a while. I didn't mind. It was only my mother and I.


January 19, ----

It has been two years since my mother declined my decision to become a trainer. I couldn't blame her. It was a selfish thing for me to do.. to leave her.

She was all I had left.

Mother told me many things, most of which I never write down, because I hate holding the grief everytime I read about it, but since this is a special time, I guess it's a good thing to place the knowledge somewhere worth keeping.

Mother said I was adopted.

She didn't pick me up from the foster home or whatever. She said she and father found me while walking around.

And get this: they were both Pokémon trainers as well, really good ones, at that.

They said I looked unfamiliar to them, and that I fit nowhere in the world, seeing as they travel a lot, but they still took me in, named me Kira. Kira Leywood.

They tell me all the time I was the most beauriful precious girl they ever had as a daughter, and I will be their one and only. I had no siblings.

I guess mother doesn't want to think of having all her kids going away one day.

I tell them I have certain dreams of being in another world- a world with no Pokémon. They laugh and say it was a dream, but I knew they were hiding it from me, possibly for the better, too.

I say today was special because it's a three year anniversary of my father's death.

He was assassinated by Team Rocket from Kanto. My father was trying to sort the government policy there, since he studied that a lot in school.

Mother was devastated.

She would always say "It's better to move on than to find a solution."

Tonight, mother passed away.

Pnemonia (Or however you spell that) took over her life, and I was left alone. Her words stuck by me, though.

Mother was always caring, always loving. I never would want anyone better than her.

I went out for several days, eventuqlly becoming my own trainer. I had several Pokémon with me.

But... I was still lonely.

July 25, ----

Several years have passed since I moved away from the devastation of my mother's death, and I wound up in Hoenn. It was much different than what I expected, but it was nonetheless a new place I haven't explored yet.

I met this one amazing trainer, his name was Steven Stone.

I never completely understood his obsession with the different rocks, but I'm not to blame him.

I told him everything about me, since he would never leave my side.

"You are too precious for me to lose" is what he said. I believed him.

August 23,----

I am stuck. Stuck in a place that means nothing to me.

Green is here.

I don't know why.

He follows me.

He talks to me whenever he can.

I can't shake him off.

While I was out exploring Hoenn, since I vowed to not take gym battles yet, I was suddenly jumped by people working for Green.

I didn't recognize them.

They took me.

And here I am, in a room.

I feel suffocated and worthless.

But mother's words always spoke to me

"It's better to move on than to find a solution."

I knew what that meant, but I was still too naive.

I made the mistake.

I let Green have me.

September 1,----

I found out about me.

It was confusing, but...

I was an experiment. Before that, I was just an ordinary student, trying to make out what life is trying to get at me.

I remembered wishing upon that star.

I remember falling asleep.

I remember...

May 10,----

Several months passed. I escaped ftom Green's threshold and was reunited with Steven.

I have never seen such anger in his eyes.

I knew they were not directed towards me, but..

Somehow.. I had a strange feeling about him. My stomach flutters at the thought.

No- I must'nt think this.

May 15, ----

Today, I decide to move on, like Mother instructed me to.

I told Steven I had to leave, he was devastated.

And it was at that moment... where we shared our first kiss.

I could have sworn I felt something in me move.

I ignored it.

I didn't look him in the eye.

I left.

And I was on my own again, on a Pokémon journey I intend to finish.

May 30,----

I didn't take long, but I decided that in the past two weeks, I have been really down.

So I decided, I would go and start new.

I would move on, and start anew.





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