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I don't think my fanfic is going well. xD but I guess the experience is good.

Chapter 20


Several casualties were taken upon the harsh weathers both Kyogre and Groudon caused. Many homes in Sootopolis, Lilycove, and Mossdeep have been demolished by the heavy storms and tsunami-like waves. Earthquakes also shatter the earth, creating craters scattered on the sea floor.

Remote areas like Littleroot Town cannot feel such tremors, but with the mass media recording, it didn't take long for everyone to take action.

"Live on Pokémon NEWS." Television flickered as the majority of people began to tune in. "Sootopolis City is experiencing fluctuating weather patterns; our meteorologists are currently investigating this predicament. It would appear two legendary Pokémon has awoken from a slumber, caused by two teams, Team Aqua and Team Magma. May-Rin is at Sootopolis now bringing live updates. What have you got for us, May?"

The camera shifted onto another person, soaking wet from the heavy rain, but also sweating from the heat of the sun.

"Thank you, Leira. This is incredible! Two legendary Pokémon, who were believed to be legends, appeared out of nowhere. I asked several of the residents here how they came to be, but no one knows. They just say that they appeared out of nowhere. Also, rumors have it that former Pokémon Champion, Steven Stone, is involved with this as well as an upheaving trainer, Kira." May-Rin adjusted her glasses, her red hair flying about. "Speaking of which, there they are!" The camera again shifted to where Steven and Kira landed.

Both trainers looked in shock at what is happening.

"Oh, and it seems the leaders of the two evil organizations have made their appearances as well. This is very interesting. I will keep you all updated on more of these, back to you Leira." The camera was lowered and May-Rin cautiously watched the trainers, observing their every move.

"Steven, I'm scared for these people." Kira announced. The blue haired man looked at her and gave her a soft look.

"I know. I am, too."

Rain, sunshine, then rain again. It was an endless cycle.

In the middle of the pool of water, bith Kyogre and Groudon were fighting. Each time they are hit, the weather fluctuates.

"I have someone you should meet, Kira." Steven suddenly said. Kira looked at him with a confused look.

"What? Who?" Though it is a dark time for Hoenn, her excitement to meet a new person doesn't waver in the slightest.

"You'll see," he smiled. "Follow me."

They climbed up and down sets of stairs, until they were at a little opening of a cave behind the gym. Steven stopped and turned to Kira.

"In here, you will find whom I have told you about. Only worthy people are allowed. Kira, you are one of them." Fear surged through the girl, causing her to tremble drastically. She gulped, and marched right in without looking back.

Meanwhile, the group of Dex holders were arguing amongst themselves.

"I told you we should have followed her! We could have been on national television!" Gold ranted, but Silver and Misty hit him hard on the head.

"No, if we did that, then she and Steven would find out about us. You know they're both the strongest trainers in the world right now." Brock added in. It was the first time he added words to the group in a long time.

"Brock is right," Misty agreed, "if we don't come up with a plan to expose her, we won't ever find rest."

Ash and May looked at each other, feeling bad for the group.

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