{Slateport Mishap}

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Chapter 17


Green's P.O.V.

I laugh silently, sitting on a chair in the office of Team Aqua's hideout. Surely, that blundering girl, Kira, would die sooner or later, once she was finished with helping us out.

Also to rid of her idiotic voice calling me 'Gary.' I am Green Oak, greatest Pokémon Professor, as well as the best member on Team Aqua.

She is not going to get in my way to scandalously ruin my dreams, not ever. She is dangerous, with incredible powers, which was why Team Aqua needed her, to tame the wild beast.

From the beginning, she had foiled our plans by hiding the Devon goods from us. I knew her every moves, becayse she was so predictable. However... I can't help but imagine her softness, her beauty. Yes, I pissed her off with saying those hurtful words.

They were true, to some extent.

Argh! I can't be thinking of this! This is not what I need! Not now!

Third Person View

Green clenched his head with both of his hands, letting out growls of frustration. A Team Aqua Admin walked in, scaring Green a bit.

"Green- oh? What's the matter?" Though Green may be young, he was one of the most respected members on the team, next to Archie.

"Nothing." He finally said, calming his own rage and looked at the Admin, raising his eyebrows. "What is it that you need?"

"I came to inform you that the men have arrived in Slateport, and is waiting for Captain Stern to finish up his ship so we may ambush." Green nodded and the Admin left, leaving him to his thoughts once again.

"You give me weird feelings, Kira," he chuckled lowly, turning his gaze to the bookshelf packed with several hundred books of various sizes. "You confuse me, and I don't know how to feel about that." A sigh escaped his lips. It was a weird feeling, indeed.

Kira's P.O.V.

Slateport rarely changed, except maybe the change in temperature. It was a muggy day, the heat hitting us like baseball bats coming into contact with the oncoming ball.

It hurt, it was hard, the weather was excruciatingly cruel to me.

Anyway, I took Misty inside the Pokémon Center, registered her a room for when she wakes up from her rest, and then began to stroll around, looking to see if Captain Stern was around. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, at least where I searched.

I turned my head to the left and noticied a small crowd gathering about in the entrance of the dock. I inched closer, politely maneuvering my way past the people surrounding. I recognized the newsreporter and cameraman. They are Gabby and Ty, respectively.

'I bet they have a busy life trying to capture precious moments in life.' I thought to myself, smiling.

They seem to be occupied with something, most likely for an interview. My theory was correct when I could properly hear what they were saying.

"Captain Stern, how do you feel about your creation of the S.S. Anne?" Gabby asked.

"I am full-well excited to announce that my ideas for this project was spectacular, although I really couldn't have done it without help." Gabby seemed satisfied.

"Mm. A clencher right there! Now, do you think it's ready for people to come and ride in it?" Ty moved a bit closer, focusing his camera on the man.

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