{Steven Stone}

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Chapter 8


Kira's P.O.V.

I had reluctantly agreed to help Team Aqua. It was the only thing I could do to not die. And besides, they offered my Pokémon back. I was relieved they were not harmed.

Anyway, I was sent on a mission to actually get the Devon goods I had supposedly 'lost.' I knew where it was, but with my monotonous tone and bored expression, they didn't know I actually hid it from them.

So, now, they let me off to Dewford, letting me continue my journey as a Pokémon trainer while helping them. They gave back everything I had, including the letter I have to deliver to Steven Stone. That was important.

When I arrived at Dewford, I was immediately met with heat and humidity. It wasn't bad, if you were wearing appropriate clothing for such harsh weather. I was clad in black tights and black skirt with a brown hoodie. I had my running shoes on, and my hair was down. They insisted I look 'normal.'

They also implanted some kind of tracking device on my arm, so they could keep track of where I was going. It was a good thing they didn't bug me, otherwise I would be in big trouble, but it wasn't like I was going to do a whole lot of talking anyway.

When I stepped onto the beach, I immidiately wanted to take off my hoodie, which I did, leaving me in a t-shirt with intricate designs. I wanted to take off my tights, but that would be too much.

I headed towards the Pokémon center, booking myself a room. There, I organized my things, bringing things that are important and leaving behind the not so important belongings.

Outside was sunny and blazing hot. I held the letter to Steven on my left hand. I didn't know where to find him, so I asked the locals. Some say they have never laid eyes or even heard of him, others say he is in a cave up north, and then there were the creepy individuals fawning over him.

It was strange.

One threatened to kill me. Nice.

I took the information, and picking out the most logical (really?), I went towards the cave. When I entered, I was met with an excavating hiker. He looked exhausted.

"Hello.." I quietly stated, turning his light gaze to me.

"Ah! 'Ello, there ye wee lassy! Didn't expect to see a young'n out 'ere - not especially a wee lassy like ye. If yer one of 'em crazed fangirls, Steven is out yonder in the cave, lookin' at some rocks. If ye want to see 'im, I suggest ye take this flashlight." Although I barely understood what he said, I got bits and pieces, knowing that he gave me a flashlight and Steven was deep in the cave. I muttered a thanks and flashed a small smile before heading my way to the depths of the cave.

One thing is for certain; the hiker was right. It was dark. It was a good thing I was prepared with a few repels, because while I was kidnapped and held hostage for a few days, that I have learned, Team Aqua raised my Pokémon some. They didn't like it. I know.

However, this cave was nice. I could understand how someone like Steven would want to be here, I guess to have some time alone?

I saw a bright light emanating from a room, I got excited. I was about to enter until my eyes caught something shiny. I immediately went to it, dropping the flashlight in the process.

I ignored everything at that moment. I wanted to get to the shiny gem, because I love shiny things.

I dug my fingers around the gem before finally plucking it out. I examined it. It was hard to see with bare minimum light, so I tried to reach for my flashlight only to learn that it was replaced by a shoe. I looked back, then up at the owner.

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