{What The Inferno?}

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Chapter 11


Kira's P.O.V.


The laughter of people filled the air, the blazing rays of the sun scorched the planet while the calming wind cooled everyone's skin.

People of all ages, from babies to elders, socialize in a commencement ceremony, looking at the newly graduates clad in an indistinctive color gown and cap. Smiles cover their faces, obviously proud that all their hard work paid off.

I stood in the number of graduates. I had a dream to graduate, both college and high school.

A smile; beautiful and pure, plastered onto my tan, chubby-ish face. My teeth showing pearly whites and braces. I glanced at all of my fellow graduates, still smiling.

"We made it here." I commented, holding my diploma close to my chest. An erruption of cheers and yells filled the area.

Suddenly, we were told to be seated and quiet, and we did just that.

The principal of our college stood at the podium, giving his speech on how well the students exceed in their studies. I was beginning to become all emotional.

Several people that had wanted to make a speech, did so.

It was my turn.

I walked to the podium, smiling at the thinning principal. He gave me a smile, shook my hands, and stepped off like he did several other times. I stood where he once did, and glanced at the crowd before me.

A smile crept on my lips. I parted them, the bottom one trembling slightly. I mustered the courage to speak my mind and to my full potential, because that is what I learned in school - to realize my extraordinary gifts.

"As a graduate," I began, obviously nervous to speak to several hundred people, "I am proud to say I have spent my time in the best possible school I could ever come into. As a former student, I can say that all that hard work I pulled off, certainly made it's payroll in the grades and my experience. I want to take this time to say thank you to everyone at the university, students and staff alike." A few applauds were heard, as well as a few cheers.

I continued to smile and the nervousness was all gone. I could do this.

"I would also like to thank the wonderful parents I have for supporting me throughout my college life." I began to chuckle lightly. "I don't have enough words to remotely thank them." My eyes began to water. "They are the best thing to ever happen to me." I broke out into sobs, walking off stage.

It was by the end of the ceremony, that we were able to meet. Both my parents wore smiles on their faces, looking at me with proud eyes.

They handed me something. It was a small box. They insisted I open it, so I did.

It was a locket; gold, shiny, and heavy. I opened the locket and beams of light hit my face, envelopping me in warmth. I felt at peace.

And at that moment, I saw the tragidy of my nightmare come true right before my eyes.

It all happened in a split second, both my parents were attacked by vicious animals. Screams and cries fill the area.

More and more, the carnivorous beasts devour anything and everything until I was the only one left. A sharp, high pitched noise blasted through the air, causing me to hold my head, interrupting the headache as much as possible.

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