{Time to Kick Ass}

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Chapter 14


Lightning engulfed the room, finding some sort of magnetic pull for it to be transported to the ground. Light blinds those who see.

"Use shock wave one more time!" A voice- confident and full of pain. More shocks of currents zapped from the Pokémon to the opposing challenger. A shrill cry bellowed in the depths of battle, fainting from extreme exhaustion.

"Oh, no!" Another voice cracked. Sadness filled the voice, but it was easily recovered with a hint of pride.

"You have done well, but you won't defeat me that easily. Go, Altaria!" A dragon Pokémon emerged into battle. The cloud-looking puff moved in sync with the blue flying dragon.

"Belan! Return! Emerald, go!" The opposer smirked, knowing they have the advantage, but Kira knew she would have to be quick if she doesn't want to be left out in the dust.

"Alright, Emerald, quickly use leech seed!" The seeds were shot out of Emerald and landed perfectly on Altaria. The opposer gasped, but chuckled lightly.

"You think you can win with that?" Kira didn't flinch nor looked away. With an astounding new confidence in her line of work now has given her a stronger impact.

"No, because Winona," the opposer known as Winona looked at Kira expectantly, "I know I will win. Emerald hyper beam now before she has a chance to call out a move!"

Emerald opened her mouth and a bright beam of light shot out, hitting Altaria. It was now very weak, but it was still flying. However, that didn't last as the little bits of energy it had was sapped away by the seeds Emerald had planted in it.

"Altaria is unable to battle!" a referee yelled out. "Kira and Emerald wins!"

The winning trainer breathed in and out shakily. A smile apparent on her soft features.

"Belan, return. You did an amazing job!" A single tear fell down her face. Winona walked up to her and handed her a small metallic pin-thing, a smile of congratulations on her face.

"You have earned yourself this badge, young one. You deserve it. I bid you good luck on getting the last two badges." Kira had never smiled so much at one time. Unexpectedly, she wrapped her arms around the gym leader, catching her off guard.

However, she could not resist to return the embrace. Silent tears fell for the both of them.

"Thank you..." Kira breathed, releasing the hold. Winona smiled softly, shaking her head.

"No, child. Thank you. You proved to me how well you overcome the battle and how well your relationship with your Pokémon has increased. Ever since Brawly showed me a video of how you battled, I waited for that day. Now, good luck with your journey ahead, Kira." She gingerly placed a light kiss on her forehead, giving her one final hug.

As soon as she got to the entrance, there were already several trainers waiting for their shot at the badge. Some were carrying all grass-types.

Good luck getting through. She thought as she made her exit through the door. Before she stepped out, she got a glance of the crew whom she spotted earlier before entering. Gulping the lump in her throat, she got out as quickly as possible.

They don't care, move on.

It was hard not to think about those that once treated you like you mattered.

Anyway, Kira made her way East of Fortree City, where the route to Lilycove lies. It was a rough terrain to navigate through.

Tall grass, rain, ponds, rivers, mud, but all in all, it was actually nice to see it all.

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