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A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! But now, we are nearing the end of the story. It will end in five chapters after this one. (Chapter 24) I hope you continue to read and like this because I am!

Chapter 19


May's P.O.V.

When we arrived at Lilycove, we never found Kira. We did, in fact, found Misty. Her information on the situation, however, was something I never expected.

She had told us that Kira advanced to her, hurting her. She had the cuts and bruises to prove it. I was shocked, and so was Brendan. I had called the other Dex holders to let them know of the situation. I also told them to meet up with us in Mossdeep city.

"Brendan, I'm scared for her." I began, holding onto Brendan as we surfed towards Mossdeep. He grunted slightly.

"Yeah, Misty sure didn't look right.."

"No! I mean for Kira!" He turned to me, an annoyed look crossed his face.

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't think Kira is capable of doing it. Besides, I don't believe anything Misty says."

"Why not?" Brendan had turned his back on me, his voice getting soft.

I hesitated to answer a bit, but the words slipped like butter.

"She stole something from me.." My voice was low, but I knew he heard me since I could feel the tension between us.

It was an awkward silence to Mossdeep, and I was glad, too. I got off and ran to the Pokémon center, wanting to get away from Brendan a bit.

However, on my way, I was bumped into something hard. I was immediately knocked down to the ground.

"Argh! Watch whe- May?" I looked at who the voice belonged to, and to my surprise, it was Kira.

I quickly got up and dusted myself off.

"Kira! What are you doing here?" I knew why, but I just wanted an exact answer from her.

"Oh, I came to get my seventh badge, silly." She giggled. She sure did change. I never heard her giggle before.

"Really? How did you do?" She pulled out the badge that shone. A prideful smile apparent now on her face.

"I got it! It was hard, but Beedo pulled it off! He evolved, too! I expected him to evolve some time after we reached Sootopolis, but now is a good time. What are you doing here?"

Yes, she sure has changed.

"Oh, um, I was going to meet up with some of the other Dex holders here..." I began to get a bit nervous.

"Really? Why are you meeting with them, and why was I not invited? I have a Pokédex, too." Kira pouted, slouching a bit. I gave a small smile.

"I'll tell you later." Was the only thing I said before she checked her Pokénav.

"Shit, I am late!" She cried out, apologizing afterwards. "Sorry, May, I have to go meet Steven at the space center. Catch you later?" I nodded, a bit shocked.

Since when did she hang out with the former champion?

General P.O.V.

The Dex holders and other important crew gathered around outside the space center, but not in the open. They began to to discuss important business.

"Does anyone know why we are here?" Gold asked, placing a hand on his hip. There was a silence, followed by a few muttered no's amongst the small crowd of friends.

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