{Knee Deep in Hell}

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Chapter 12


Kira's P.O.V.

Three horrid days in the hospital room was enough. I couldn't take it any longer. I got up, packed my things including my Pokémon, and jumped out the window. No one really cared if I was gone.

They all hated me now.

Ever since I had that talk with Steven, no one really visited me. Granted, I did backstab them, but I had reasons to be a part of Team Aqua. A real reason.

But they don't know it.

Sighing, I looked around the dark town, it didn't look familiar.

I saw a sign, and I went up to it.

"Fallarbor Town"

That is a long way from my third gym badge, but will I really need it?

"I have to become the champion in order to go back." I muttered to myself. Since I knew the Hoenn map like the back of my hand, I knew exactly where to go.

I headed east of town, going through an ashen covered land. It was a tough terrain to trek through, with coughing and sputtering. I was glad I brought my hoodie.

I didn't want to face anyone.

It was a week when I finally landed in Mauville. If I had remembered correctly, Wally was supposed to wait outside the gym, wanting to go challenge the leader.

He wasn't there. So, naturally, I went inside and strode to the back, where Gym Leader, Wattson was waiting.

"Another challenger?" His booming voice echoed throughout the room. I only stood there with my hoodie over my face, grabbing my Pokéballs. Our battle commenced.

"One on one battle, no substitution. Gym Leader Wattson against the opposing trainer!" A referee called out.

"Go, Beedo!" I threw out my Great Ball and out came a Trapinch I caught while coming from Fallarbor town.

"Manectric, come on out!" A blue and yellow Pokémon emerged. "You may go first." I nodded.

"Trapinch, use sand attack!" Sand was kicked around, going towards the electric Pokémon.

"Dodge it, Manectric, and use Quick Attack."

The moment his electric dog-looking Pokémon dodged it, I had to quickly think up a plan.

"Beedo, use faint attack, and bite it when you get close! Quickly!" I let out a small breath when Manectric missed. I could tell from the look on the leader's face that he was a bit frustrated.

"Manectric, thunder wave around the area!" I smirked a bit.

"Beedo! Now!" I yelled, and on cue, Beedo knocked into the electric type and appearing. It opened it's large mouth and a dark glow emit once he bit down. The electric Pokémon cried in pain.

"Finish it off with earthquake!"

"Jump and use shock wave to keep you up!" I was slightly interrupted. Beedo did his move, but the Manectric tried to dodge it. It eventually tired out and fell.

"Manectric is unable to battle, Trapinch wins!" The referee stated out. I smiled and ran to Beedo.

"You did great, Beedo. You did great!" I hugged the little ground-type.

Wattson came to me, holding out his hand with the badge in it.

"You had me shocked throughout the entire battle, young one. Wahaha! Take it, you earned it."

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