{Officially Off}

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(A/N: Offcial warning: I have not seen any of the anime except for halfway through season one of Indigo League, so please do forgive me for any characters that are not like you expect. I am taking this approach as I see them with little to no information. Most of the info, however, are gathered from fanfictions and the game themselves. Again, I apologize. You may continue.)

Chapter 4


I had my backpack on, my extra clothes I bought, necessities, and my Pokémon. I was all set.

May, Brendan, and I went west of Oldale Town, and there, I met the guy I mistook as a woman. He sheepishly apologized to me for being rude. I quickly forgave him and smiled.

"Hm, wonder what has gotten into him?" May wondered. Brendan just snorted lightly while I shrugged.

"Maybe there was something going on between you two." Brendan remarked, giving me a smirk. I blushed and turned away.

"Brendy! Don't make her all flustered! How would you feel if someone did that to you?"

Boy, does she talk a lot.

"Don't call me that! And just so you know, I wouldn't care, because it won't be true!" He retorted, huffing and continue walking. I just formed an 'o' with my lips.

They continued to argue. Oh, gosh. They were like an old married couple. So, instead of sticking with them, I managed to slip by them. I went ahead to Petalburg without them, sighing. It was really great to be away from them.

Since I needed to become stronger, I might as well go ahead and take the gyms, but coming into this game, or world, however you want to call it, I noticed that I had a lack of memories of what to actually do.

I mean, yeah, I know pretty much the whole gist of collecting badges and battling, but trivial things like the future of this game is something I can't know.

Another sigh. I'm going to hyperventilate if I keep doing that.

I looked at the large gym. I gulped. Taking a deep breath, I walked through the doors and was immediately met with an aroma. I knew of it before, but I couldn't know exactly what it was. The floors and walls around me were of a polished oak wood.

At the entrance were two statues, and in front of me was a man who looked to be about his early to mid thirties. He greeted me with a small smile.

"Hello, young one." I gave a sheepish 'hello.' I was really too shy.

"I-I'd like to challenge you..." I muttered, loud enough for him to hear me. He gave a laugh.

"How long have you been with your Pokémon?"

"Two days..." I prepared for the worst: a mocking laugh and a striking lecture about 'bonding' with my Pokémon. I've read enough fanfics and played enough games to know that.

"Well, it seems you must be persistent. I will not accept-" I flinched; here it comes.

"--because I need you to prove your worth to me. I need you to prove yourself on four others before you come to me. Only then will I battle." I looked up at him. I was about to say something but someone else barged in and interrupted.

"Hello.." A green-haired boy came in, stroding over to the Gym Leader, which I have not learned the name to.

"Yes, Wally?" Ah, it clicked. Wally- the frail boy. The one I adored a lot playing the games.

"I'd.. I'd like to catch my own Pokémon.." He coughed in between. I felt a pang at my heart. He was so helpless here. Out of instinct, I reached my hand and rubbed his back affectionately. He gave me a weird look.

"Who are you?" He finally asked. My gaze softened as I stopped rubbing his back. I swore I saw a flicker of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm.. Kira.. Kira Leywood.." I smiled, sealing the kindness.

"I'm Wally! ..nice to meet you, Kira.." I nodded and smiled.

"Ah, Wally" I almost jumped out of my skin.

Arceus, I forgot he was there.

"You want to catch your own Pokémon?" Wally nodded repeatedly. "Then here, take this Pokéball and my Zigzagoon." He turned to me.

"Since I have some training to do and trainers to battle, could you go watch over Wally?" I formed an 'o' with my lips and nodded, looking over at Wally, smiling. He smiled back.

How cute.

"Alright, thank you, Kira." I nodded, following Wally out.


"I... I did it! Kira, I caught my own Pokémon!" The happiness he held. It was much more powerful here. I couldn't help but let out a giggle. He looked at me.

"You.. giggled." I blushed.

"W-well.. what am I supposed to do?"

"Nothing.. I just really like it.." It was his turn to blush a red color. I mumbled a 'thanks.'

As we headed back to Petalburg, I was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"Oh, Kira!!" A female voice rang in my ear. Oh, great. "You shouldn't have left us without warning! Brendy and I were worried about you!" I could hear a faint 'Don't call me that,' from Brendan.

"Get... off..." I mumbled, coughing slightly. May laughed nervously before getting up, leaving me breathing heavy on the ground, trying to recover my lungs. I got up and dusted myself off.

"Sorry, Kira..." She sheepishly smiled at me then looked over at Wally. "Oh, hey, Wally! I didn't know you were here!" Wally anime sweat-dropped.

"I was here the whole time.."

I sighed. These people sure can get on my nerves. I grabbed Wally's wrist and dragged him away from the duo.

"Let's go back to the Gym leader.." I muttered quietly. I ignored the callings of my name and went inside the gym. I was met with the same man, waiting for us.

It did not look like he was training..

"Ah, so you have caught a Pokémon." Wally nodded, smiling. He turned to me and thanked me.

"You're welcome.." I smiled. He smiled back and went on his way to his place, I believe.

"Ah, I just noticed I have not introduced myself yet. I am Norman, Petalburg City Gym Leader." I gave a small head bow.

"You want to challenge me to a gym fight?" It came out more like a statement than a question, but I nodded anyways.

"Fine. First, you have to get four badges to prove your worth, only then will I challenge you. Head to Rustboro and challenge Roxanne there. And from there, go to Dewford. You'll know what to do from there." I couldn't contain my happiness I hugged him. Although, it seemed that he had already given me this small speech, but I didn't care. As long as he was okay with it, I'm fine. This was great.

"Thank you.. and I will beat you!" I spoke a bit louder. I had not spoken so much words in a while. It felt strange.

"Good luck." Was all I heard before I ran out, happiness surrounding me.

This is actually becoming exhilirating!

Next stop: Rustboro City Gym


This was shorter... but it's okay! Enjoy!

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