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Chapter 22

Kira's P.O.V.

I felt a sharp pain in my back and throat. My hands felt numb. My head is spinning. It hurts to think and move, but I did so because I could hear faint voices, worried voices.

I then heard a flash.

"Oh my goodness, so this is the woman whom has the attention of both Team Aqua and Team Magma!" A high-pitched voice pierced the air, making my headache even worse. "Say, when she wakes up, we should interview her."

"No, you are not." A voice I recognized. Steven, wasn't it?

"Why not?" I could tell she is a bit shaken from meeting Steven in person, but when she changed her tone of voice into a seductive one, I could no longer stand it.

"Shit..." I mumbled, startling the two.

"Kira.." Steven says softly as he kneels at my side. I caught a glance at the woman and I see red on her face. Either from anger and jealousy or embarrassment, no one will know. I think it's both.

"I'm.. fine." I say, wincing a bit. "What happened?" Steven gave me an unreadable look before shooing the paparazzi away.

"You went berserk again." I gasped and tried to sit up, but Steven stopped me. "However, what you did was more than incredible, and you would have died."

"Heh. Almost died a hero.. what did I do exactly?" He tightened his jaw then relaxed and opened his mouth.

"You used your unnatural power to calm both Kyogre and Groudon, but.. as you were about to revert back, you suddenly went crazy and began to fight Rayquaza, which I still find astounding! Anyway, you fought long and hard until you crashlanded here. Then, Rayquaza touched you lightly on the forehead and left."

I looked at Steven in wonder.

"Rayquaza..." I didn't get to form any sentence as I looked away and thought about the memory I had gained from that experience.

"Oh~ she's awake now! Let's have an interview!" My hand immediately went to my head.

"No." I growled.

"Aww, but this is perfect~ you saved all of Hoenn and get to personally fight the three legendaries! I also want to know about your special powers! It's very unnatural! So surreal."

"Enough!" I snapped. Both Steven and the woman stared in shock. "My powers are truly unnatural, and if you're wanting to know how I got them, I won't tell you. It's not that I'm keeping it from you, it's just something I don't want to talk about. Instead, I'll just show you."

I groaned as I got up. I inspected myself.

A gash in the forehead, split spleen, twisted ankle, burn marks on forearms, and several cuts and bruises.

"Careful, now." Steven warned. I shrugged him off and placed my hands together.

A yellow glow began to spark. Anyone looking in my direction would see what's happening. My injuries began to heal, but I could still feel the pain in all of them.

"How...?" The woman's eyes were wide as saucers. I finished and looked at her.

"I have a power no one else has... at least.. that's what I remember someone or something telling me.." I looked down at my hands, all cuts and bruises were gone.

"Heh, you know, Steven," I turned my head to him, tears began to well up in my eyes. "I remembered how I got here..."

Steven got up, happiness filled his eyes.

"You did?" I nodded.

"But I doubt it's what you remembered." I gave a sad smile.

"You see, I was used as an experiment, and because of their results, I ended up coming here, but..." I looked away, "I still can't remember anything after I.. fell asleep and woke up here."

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

"It's alright, Kira. You may not have remembered anything, but I might have something that will help." He pulled out what looked to be a small notebook.

Upon glancing, I see myself writing so many thoughts in it. I gasped.

"Th-that's my journal.." Steven nodded and handed it to me.

"I hope everything there triggers the rest of your memories." Steven looked up in the sky and back at me. "I have to go. I will see you soon, Kira."

The small, awkward silence began to roll through. I shifted my feet uncomfortably.

"Thank you..." I quietly said. I walked up to him, our bodies nearly touching. I took a deep breath and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

Quickly, I turned away, my own cheeks heating up.

"N-now go.. I w-will s-see you la-later." I suddenly felt two arms around me and a kiss on my head. When I turned around after he let go, he was flying away. I was a bit dissappointed, but knew he had something important to do.

In the Pokémon center, I met several of the Dex holders, but they didn't seem to notice me.

"So what Misty says is true." The red-head began to speak. "She is dangerous."

"I don't see what you have against her!" A boy with black hair and a backwards cap whined.

"Gold, you can't assume she is someone to be trusted all the time."

"Oh, come on! Why are you so thick-headed?"

"Okay, how about we vote on what we think of her. All in favor of Kira raise your hand."

There were seven in the group, but only two of them weren't raising their hands.

"What?!?!?" Misty and Silver exclaimed. They got up quickly, their chairs scraping the floor, which made me flinch and make a strange noise.

Everyone turned their heads to me. I gasped. They gasped. I ran to a room and locked myself in there.

"Whew..." It was a relief. I didn't want to face them just yet.

"Now, I can read the book.."

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