Chapter One

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~ Chapter One ~

" M-mom! " A 16 years old Jungkook said as his eyes widened at the twin babies that were on his doorstep

" Yes Kookie...Oh my god! HONEY! COME HERE! " Jungkooks mother said yelling for her husband as they both look at the small babies, covered in nothing but a thin blanket

" Yes....oh my goodness " Jungkooks dad said also looking at the small babies. Jungkooks parents picked up the small and cold infant and brung them inside

A small note fell from one of the strollers and Jungkook picked it up and read it carefully

Dear Jungkook, I'm sorry but I can't take care of the twins, I'm not ready to become a mother. I'm off to start a new life, so goodbye and I want no contact with you, goodbye

" D-did she just leaves them here? W-where is she? " Jungkook said frowning and was on the verge of tears

How could she leave her kids on his doorstep like that?

" M-mom, I think she left, " Jungkook said looking at his mother who was looking at the babies

" SHE WHAT? " His mother said and reading the note carefully

" What was she thinking? " His dad said sighing and running his finger through his hair

" Mom...How am I gonna take care of them? " He said crying and hugging his dad

" It's gonna be okay Kookie, you have me and your father to help raise the twins, your gonna be a great father," She said hugging him and he nodded and looked at the twins. He walked over to them and smiled at them

" Don't worry...Daddy is here to take care of you "

~ Jungkook's POV ~

" Come on you two, today is your first day of Kindergarten, " I said fixing my tie and walked downstairs where my two twin sons, Jeongsan and Jangsan were finished eating their breakfast and washing their hands

" Are you two ready for your first day of school? " I said walking over to them and kissing their foreheads

" I am! They said stuff gets real when you hit Kindergarten! " Jeongsan said smiling brightly and walking into the living room and putting on his small backpack

" What about you Bub, are you ready for the first day? " I said kneeling down at him and he shook his head no and looked at his feet

As you can see...Janggsan really isn't much of a talker...Jeongsan on the other hand....talks the most and will talk for hours on hours

" Come on you two," I said smiling at them and carrying them to the car and putting him in their car seat and heading off they're new Kindergarten school

I arrived at the school and got out of the car and unbuckled their cars seats

We were halfway to the building till I heard Janggsan sniff and I frowned at him...Janggsan doesn't like meeting new people, nor adapting to new environments

" Come on Janggsan...Today is only a half-day...It will go by before you know it Bub " I said running my hair threw his hair and he held my fingers with his small hand and pouted at me, tears filling in his big doe eyes. I sighed and bent down and kissed his forehead

" Listen to me bub- "

" Daddy! Can we go inside now?! I see the playground! " Jeongsan said jumping up and down but I knew I needed to deal with Janggsan first before we go inside

" Let me talk to your brother first, then we can head inside," I said smiling and he nodded. I turned my attention back to my scared son and wiped his small tears

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