Chapter Twenty Seven

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Thank You For 10k My beautiful Golden Sinners ❤️ Im sorry for the short chapter , I've been so sick this morning whole week

~ Jungkook's POV ~

" Your pregnant? I'm so happy for us baby " I said hugging her tightly and kissing her

I've always wanted another child but since I already have Janggsan and Jeongsan , I thought I wasn't ready yet...Everything was prefect but I thought that I would have a baby with Taehyung and not Soojin...But it doesn't matter

" Yes ! I'm so happy for us ! Now Janggsan and Jeongsan can have a little brother or sister " Soojin said smiling and wrapping her arms around me and kissing me slowly. I placed my hand on the back of her neck and deepened the kiss till I pulled away when I heard Jeongsan small voice

" Daddy can we go home ? I'm sleepy " He said pouting and making grabby hands at me and I picked him up and I laid his head in my neck

" I'll take to Twins to the car and you can get our things ready " I said kissing her cheek and I went to go get Janggsan, who was already a sleep. I picked him up and held him in my chest till I realized that his eyes were a little bed red and puffy...Why is that ?

I shook off the thoughts and carried them to the car and buckled them up. I kissed their cheeks and smiled once I was Soojin already a sleep in the passages seat. I kissed her cheek and walked into the house to say good bye to my parents

" where's mom ? " I said sitting by my dad as he was sipping on his coffee and reading a newspaper

" oh, she already went upstairs to go to sleep but I actually wanted to talk to you about something " He said putting down his drink and I turned to look at him

" What's going on Dad ? " I asked

" It's about you and Soojin...You know I love you and I'd do anything to protect you but do you really, honestly think that Soojin is the one for you? I know that she is beautiful but you can't forget about the terrible things that she has did to you " He said placing a hand on my shoulder and I sighed and looked down

" I....Well yes...I believe that she's has changed, I wanted to give her a second chance " I said looking at my dad

" I know Jungkook , but , I've seen the way you look at someone, as in someone I mean Taehyung , you don't look at Soojin that way, your a grown man and I can't tell you what to do nor can I make your decisions but just promise me something , you'll be with the person that you truly love...Can you do that for me ? " He said and I nodded and hugged him

" I promise " I said hugging him and soon walking out of the house and getting into the car and driving off. I took one look at Soojin and thought to myself

Is she the most I really wanna be with ? Do I still have feelings for Taehyung...Lord please makes me be with the person of my dreams

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