Chapter Two

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

" When is mommy coming back ? "

I knew that he'd ask this question sooner or later

" Mommy...She's really busy so we won't get to see her a lot " I said sadly smiling and running my fingers the his hair as I held Janggsan in my chest cause he already fell asleep

" Did mommy leave ? "

" Yes...But not exactly " I whispered

" Did Mommy leave cause of me and JangJang ? "

" No baby...Mommy left cause she had a few problems "

" Oh...Can I have a new mommy ? " He asked and I chuckled at his comment

" listen Jeongsan , you can't just have a new mommy...I have to marry someone in order for you two to have a new mommy "

" Okay Daddy! " He said smiling and cuddled into my chest. I held both of him in my chest and kissed their forehead

I haven't dated anyone after she left us...all 3 of us...Being a single father...It's probably one of the best and worst situation to be in but I've managed to handled it and I think I'm doing one hell of a good job at it

I smiled at my sleeping children and carried them up to their bedroom and tucked them in bed. I smiled at them and I cut on their night lights before closing the door

I sighed and walked into my bedroom and turned on the hot shower , I needed to relaxed cause sitting in a chair for almost 12 over can hurt

I stepped in the shower and let the hot shower relax my body. All of a sudden, I started to think about what Jeongsan said...Should I start dating again?....I haven't been dating in while...aka almost 5 years. I don't wanna date

I finished washing my body and I stepped out of the shower. I just put on some sweats with no shirt cause I live alone so why not

I laid on my bed and sighed. Soon closing my eyes and falling asleep

~ 8 hours later ~

I woke up the next morning at around 6:00am and I stretched my limbs and walked to my children room to wake them

" Wake up my angels " I said smiling at them and they groaned in their sleep but Janggsan was the first to wake up

" Da-da " Janggsan said raising up his arms and I picked him up and kissed his cheek and softly shaking Jeongsan awake also

" Morning Daddy ! " Jeongsan said smiling and hugging my legs

I smiled at him and carried both of them to the bathroom and started to take them a bubble bath

" Are you gonna say hi to Mr.TaTa ? " Jeongsan said hugging his brother who was smiling once he heard him say Tata

" TaTa ? Who's TaTa ? " I said confused and Janggsan smiled

" T-TaTa " Janggsan said hugging Jeongsan

" He's our teacher remember Daddy " Jeongsan said

" Oh yeah , I remember " I said smiling and getting them out of the tub and drying them out. I put them in their clothes and carried them downstairs

" Can I have strawberries and banana milk Daddy " Jeongsan smiling and hugging my legs and I kissed his head and nodded and got out what he wanted and set it on the table

" What about you Bub ? " I said running my fingers through his hair

" A-apple....Apple J-juice " Janggsan said and I smiled at him

" Apples and Apple Juice it is " I said smiling and getting out his food and setting it in the table for him to eat

As they ate , I went upstairs to take a quick shower and put in my business suit and grabbing my briefcase and heading back downstairs to see my babies sitting on the couch with their backpack on their backs

" Daddy , it's 6:45am , Why are we leaving so early ? "

" You wanted me to talk to your teacher right? I'll just talk to him early before class starts " I said smiling and Jeongsan smiled and headed to the door. I walked them to the car and buckled them up like I always do. I drove to their school and walked up to the office when Jin was

" Hey Jungkook , why are you here so early ?"

" I wanted to talk to the twin teacher " I said as the twin ran to hug Jin

" Okay " He said and I bowed and walked to the twins classroom

" Stay right here you two " I said tickling them and they nodded while I walked into the classroom and I see a short man with his back turned, writing some on the board

" Um...Mr.Kim is it ? " I said and he turned around...And might I tell you...His ethereal

~ Taehyung's POV ~

" Um...Mr.Kim is it ? " I heard a husky voice say behind me

" Yes ? " I said softly and I turned around to see a tall man in a business suit

" Yes ? Can I help you Sir ? " I said softly and smiled

" Ahh Yes...I'm the father of Jeon Jeongsan and Janggsan " He said and I smiled at the thought of the twin adorable twin boys

" Oh yes , the two small twin boys ? " I said smiling and he nodded

" Well...yesterday , Jeongsan has said that you had calmed down Janggsan...I just wanted to say thank you....I didn't know that he would be so scared " He said and I smiled sweetly

" It's okay , I was just happy to help , it hurt me to see the little boy so sad cause he wanted his Dad " I said softly organizing my supplies before the class started

" Well...I just wanted to say thank you, I'll be going now " He said bowing and leaving

Wow....He....He wasn't so bad looking....Surely wasn't build incorrectly....God took his time on that man

" TaTa! " I heard kids running into my class to hug me and I smiled at them cause kids smiling literally lights up my day

" And who was THAT this morning? " I heard my friend Jimin said from inside of the classroom

" That was just a parent of the twin boys I was telling you about " I said smiling and hugged him

" Should you be watching your class ? " I said laughing and he nodded

" They all took a nap " He said roll in his eyes

" So, What did that guy want ? He was here pretty early "

" He just wanted to thank me for calming one of his kids down, nothing serious " I said smiling and he pinched my cheeks

" Your such an Angel Tae " He said whining

" I know I'm married and all but that dude was a hottie , might wanna shoot your shot "

" What no ! I barely even know him ! " I said hugging him slightly and he smiled at me

" You might can get some dick- "

" You need to leave " I said pushing him to the door and smiling at his idiotic self

" And you need some dick " He said laughing and I hit his arms cause the innocent babies would hear his bad language

" Im just saying, you'll never know what man is out there waiting to sweep you off of your feet " He said smiling before walking out of the classroom

Maybe I'll think about it....I haven't had love in a long time. I haven't dated anyone is about 3 years cause I've never been able to find the right person. I, Of course , know I have a good body and feminine body but it's not that hard to at least TRY it to get know me instead of thinking about how I'm gonna moan under you ?

I don't know....Maybe I'm just not anyone's type

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