Chapter Twenty Nine

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

I walked out of the grocery store and thought to myself , " Why doesn't she look pregnant ? " It's literally been like 4 months since she said that she was pregnant and yet , still still no baby bump ?

My aunt used to live with me and my mom and she was pregnant with triplets so, I kinda know what a four month old baby bump looks like and by the looks of it she doesn't even look pregnant

I took a glimpse at her grocery cart and she didn't have any weird combinations of food nor was she limping usually when your four months pregnant by now you're back in feet are swollen red

" Could she be faking it ? Would she stoop THAT low just to keep Jungkook by her side? If so, I need to tell him...I guess I'll just call and text him today and ask to meet up with him

I walked into my house and smiled once I was Yoongi a sleep on the couch. I walked over to woke him up by kissing him on the lips, slowly biting his lower lip

He groaned and woke up but soon smiled once he saw that it was me. He pulled me on top of him and wrapped his arms around my waist and I placed my hand on his shoulder. I slid my tongue inside his wet mouth

" Y-Yoongi , I have to put the food up " I said biting my lip as he started to kiss down my neck. He groaned and nodded, I walked into the kitchen and started to put up the food

I remember when me and Jungkook were together , he'd always wrap his arms around my waist when I'd cook or when I'm putting up things. He was like a clingy bunny who didn't wanna let go of his own...Some times he would leave light butterfly kisses down my neck if I was cooking his favorite food.... if I was to make his favorite food a.k.a. Alfredo , I'd get some of the sauce and put it some on neck , knowing he'd would give me a big love bite...Then he'd lead me to the bedroom were we'd have passion yet rough sex

I snapped out of my trance, while blushing  and continued to put up the groceries while shaking the thoughts of him out of my head

But shit...I can't get the image of Jungkooks naked body out of my head...It's like it's stuck there like a picture that never goes old...Sweat running down his rock hard abs as I'd ride him. His hot and deep voice groaning as I bounced on him harder

I looked down at realized that I had a boner but that didn't stop me from imaging Jungkook 10 inch cock deep inside of me , making me moan his name for hours on top of hours...

" KIM TAEHYUNG !"  I heard Yoongi yell and look at me

" What's wrong Yoongi " I asked


" I-I did ? Y-Yoongi I'm sorry" I said walking up to him but he moved back and walked out of the door...not without saying a word

" Do you still love him ? What was I ? Some type of fucking replacement ? " Yoongi said yelling at me and I shook my head no

" N-no ! You weren't a replacement-"

" Then why the hell are you in the kitchen moaning his fucking name ? I was stupid enough to think you actually fucking liked me ! Turns out , you used just using me to get closer to your shabby ass ex , fuck you and him "

" Y-Yoongi , please l-listen , I don't love him !....I-I....I" I said playing with my fingers and looking down

I can't even say a proper sentence to explain....Do I still love him?.....What's done is done sadly...I'm sorry Yoongi

" can eve explain yourself , leave  me the hell alone and don't fucking text me again or else we will have a problem " Yoongi said grabbing his coat and walking out of the house , slamming the door on the way out

I sighed and walked into my bedroom and sat on the bed...But the vision of Jungkooks body on top on mine was still engraved in my head. I slowly took off my pants, along with my underwear and laid on the bed. I closed my eyes and visioned jungkook pinning my arms above my head and roughly thrusting inside of me at an animatic speed

" A-Ahh Jungkookie ! " i said moaning out as Jungkook held me by the waist and thrusted inside of me

" What did you call me babyboy ? What did I tell you about saying my name in bed " He said growling and grabbing me by the throat and choking me lightly

" I-I'm sorry Daddy " I said moaning out as I screamed out as he cock hit my prostate on the spot and I swore I could star

" You're such a little cock slut when I fuck you babyboy , always so wet and tight for Daddy "

" DADDY ! I C-CANT HOLD IT ANYMORE " I said screaming out and arching my back off of the bed

" Come for me baby , cum like the little slut that you are " He said biting my ear and licking it

" F-fuck ! " I said screaming as my eyes rolled back and I came in my hands while moaning out Jungkooks name. I flopped down on the bed and panted slightly.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on some jeans and a blue shirt, and my Gucci slides

I almost forgot that I had to tell a Jungkook about Soojin so-called fake pregnancy . I texted him a quick and easy address before grabbing my car keys and phone and heading out the door

Please let him believe me

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