Chapter Three

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

I sighed and looked at my work clock. It was almost 1:00pm so, I knew that I had to pick up the kids by 2:15. I continued to type on my computer until I felt my eyes go heavy. Just so you guys know...I get around 4-5 hours of sleep a night...Being a business man AND being a single father WHILE raising myself, its tiring

I felt my vision got dark as I knew I just feel asleep

I shoot up from my sleep and quickly looked at my alarm clock. IT WAS 5:12pm !

" SHIT ! " I yelled, I was 3 hours later from picking up Jeongsan and Janggsan. I quickly grabbed my coat and speeded down the highway to their school

I ran to the front door of the building but it was locked. I started to panic till I heard the sound of giggling from the side of the school. I walked to where the sound was coming from. I sighed in relief when I saw my twin angels playing on the playground. They saw me and ran into my direction

" DADDY ! " They both said and they ran up to me and jumped in my arms

" Oh my goodness , I'm so glad you guys are here " I said holding them tightly

" U-um...It was passed closing I just stayed for a little while so that they wouldn't be here by themselves" I said a familiar soft yet deep voice said behind me and I turned around to see Mr.Kim smiling softly

" Thank you so much, I fell asleep at my office and I totally missed the time I was supposed to pick them up" I said ranting on and on

" It's okay , I love kids so I didn't mind staying a bit...Their a good to be around actually " He said smiling , wow...he has a cute body smile

" Daddy ! TaTa taught me how to go on the monkey bars! Wanna see ? " Jeongsan said with excitement but it's gonna get dark pretty soon

" Maybe another time Buddy " I said kissing his forehead and turning back to Taehyung

" Can I make it up to you some how ? It's like least I could do since I had to make you wait and watch the twins " I said offering and he nodded no

" No it's okay, I didn't mind watching them " He said smiling sweetly

" Are you sure ? " I said again

" Yes! I'm sure , you guys should go home now, it's getting pretty late " He said and Janggsan wiggled out of my arms and ran to hug Taehyung's legs

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