Chapter Nine

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

" I had a really good time tonight," Taehyung said smiling and I smiled back at him

" I'll glad you had a good time...I kinda just wanted our first date to be picture perfect..." I said blushing and scratching the back of my neck and turning away

" You know...This is the first time I've seen you in a low cut shirt...You...You have a rose on your neck " Taehyung said tilting my head to see the red and black rose on my neck

" I've had it for about 1 year now...I need to get it re-colored, it's fading "

" It's so pretty," Taehyung said smiling and running his fingers over the rose...It felt so nice as his fingers touched my skin

" I have other tattoos," I said smiling

"Where? Can I see them? You look good with Tattoos " Taehyung said smiling and I nodded and grabbed his hand and lead him inside

" Okay! " He said smiling and walking into the house

" So...My other tattoos are on my chest and arms...So I might have to take off my shirt in order for you to see them...If it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to see them " I said blushing and Taehyung smiled

" No...I don't mind " He said smiling and standing in front of me

I nodded and began to take off my jacket. Taehyung looked at me with excitement. I began to remove my shirt, pulling it off over my head and laying it on the couch

Taehyung looked up and down with his mouth open. That body though...His rock hard abs on display and his strong-looking chest...Let's not get started on his arm...They are so big and veiny...

" So...This tattoo...I got it a few months ago" I said pointing to his arms where it was a skull, Hearts, and roses

" Why is the heart empty but everything else is full? " Taehyung asked and I looked at him

" It's for my true love...When I find that special someone...I'll write their name inside of it " I said smiling and pointing my upper chest

" I got Janggsan and Jeongsans name tatted on my chest when they were first born, " I said pointing their names

" Can...Can I touch them? " He asked and I smiled at nodded

" Sure," I said and he slowly raised his hand and started to touch my chest. His soft finger glades across my chest and

I push Taehyung up against the wall and kissed him...finally

I cupped his face and kissed him harder. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me harder than I kissed him. I softly tapped his thigh and I jumped up and gripped his thighs as he wrapped his legs around my waist

" I've waited so long for this moment " I whispered again his lip and he smiled

" Me too, " He said kissing me again and I gripped his waist and thigh

His hands roamed my chest till we both heard a knock at the door


" Hey, wow! Put a shirt on " Jin's said laughing and I blushed cause I didn't have a shirt on

"Daddy! " I saw Jeongsan said smiling and hugging my leg

"TATA! " Janggsan said hugging Taehyung legs and he picked him up and smiled

" Hey Baby, " Taehyung said smiling and kissing his cheek

" Why don't you two both go put up your backpacks up," I said smiling and turning back to Taehyung and he kissed me again. I held his arms over his head and kissed him roughly

" I want you, " He said biting my lower lip. We heard the twins running downstairs and we quickly pulled away

"Let's get you two upstairs and watch some TV, " I said and we picked the twins up and bring them in their bedroom

We both gave the twins a snack and cut on their favorite Cartoon before closing the door and Taehyung looked at me and licked his lips

" Can we finish something that we started please " He whispered in my ears and I picked him up and ran to the bedroom and locked the door

Smut in the next chapter!!!!!!!

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