Chapter Twelve

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~ Jungkooks POV ~

We entered the restaurant and I had already had us reservation at " Kim Hi'Shun" One of the Best Korea's chicken and noddle places in Seoul Korea

" Your table is right over here gentlemen " A new waitress said smiling and leading us to a far end of the restaurant, it was so nice and peaceful, I'm so glad I could take Taehyung to one of the finest places in town

" What would you nice man like to have to drink ? " The lady said getting out her note pad

" Two glasses of wine and lime, does that sound good baby ?  " I said smiling and looking over at Taehyung who was blushing cause I called him baby in public

" Y-Yes , That will be great " He said smiling and she nodded and walked away

" Why did you have to make me blush like that " He said covering his red face and I reached over and took his hand into mine

" What ? Can't I call you baby in public or are you to shy for that ? " I said smirking and kissing his hand and he blushed even more

" You can But.....i don't know just don't make in blush in front of people " He said shyly speaking and finally removing his hands from his face

" This is so nice....Where did you find this place ? Ever since I moved here from Daegu , I've never heard of this place....Thank you " He said as his sentence was stopped by the waitress placing our drinks in front of us

" What would you gentlemen like to order ? "

" I would have chicken and beef soup with pasta sauce and noddles " He said smiling and Taehyung smiled too

" I'd like Chicken parmesan noodles please " Taehyung said polity and I smiled cause he is just a pure angel ( Not in bed though)

" So....When did you move to Seoul ? " I asked them , I wanted to get to know him more since we are dating now

" I moved here because I loved kids and I loved teacher. Almost every school in Daegu didn't wanna hire me cause they thought I'd " attract or distract " the students from their learning...I never knew why though. So I packed my things and moved here. Me and Jin are pretty close friends and he wanted to hire me at their school since he is the principal. The only thing that changed was that I'd be teaching Kindergarten instead of high school students but I wouldn't trade it for the world ! " He said smiling widely

" So what about you ? Jeongsan said that you all are from Busan , why'd you move here ? "

" It's kinda a long story...Once my ex girlfriend left us....I was living with my parents so I knew I had to become a man early even though I was only 16 years old....I took extra class and early college. I didn't wanna live off of my parents while I raised my kids...I wanted to be independent so once I got out of college and became a businessman, the twins and I moved here, we started a new life and I'm loving it so far... especially meeting you" I said smiling and Taehyung leaned over a kissed me

" Here are your orders " I heard a much deeper voice say in front of us. I looked up and saw a man placing our meals in front of us...But he was looking at Taehyung and licking his lips

I growled in angry but the waiter didn't seem to give a flying fuck

" Your really cute " The man said looking at Taehyung....Who was blushing....Okay...So now I'm pissed

" Thank you " He said smiling like the man isn't just flirting his ass off right in front of me

" Excuse me but we'd like to eat in peace please " I said rolling my eyes and he man shrugged his shoulder and walked away, not without winking in front of MY Taehyung

Taehyung smiled at me and all I didn't was stab my fork into my pasta

" Are you okay Jungkookie ? " Taehyung said quietly and I nodded and continued to quietly eat my food

" What's wrong Jungkookie ? " He said again and he rolled my eyes again

I know I shouldn't be so petty but I really can't help it...I haven't been in a relationship in 5 years and I get really jealous sometimes

" Nothing, just eat your food before it gets cold " I said coldly and the man walked up to us again

" Would you like some dessert ? " He said said smirking and looking at Taehyung, completely ignoring that I existed and was about ready to punch him dead in his throat

" Yes- "

" No , we wouldn't like any desert " I said growling and grabbing Taehyung's wrist and dragging him out of the restaurant

" J-jungkook ! Why did we leave ? I wanted dessert-"

" NO ! You aren't you getting any dessert , just get in the fucking car " I said barking at him and he just rolled his eyes and got into the car. I get in and slammed the car door

This was supposed to be a good night

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