Chapter Fourteen

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~Jungkook's POV ~

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing at 6:30 am. I sighed and went to take a shower before going to wake up the twin. I get out my business suit and headed to the shower where I took a quick shower but I sighed once i thought about last night

It was Taehyung's and I's first real argument and I didn't like it cause I missed his good morning text and his sweet little heart emojis that he would sent to me every second of the hour to make me feel better since I get stressed from homework

I cut off the shower off and stepped out. I dried myself off and put on my clothes...I looked in the mirror and smiled at the memory so Taehyung showering with me for the first time....His body pressed up against mine and he looked up at me with such passion that I haven't since it felt in such a long time

I walked out of my room and walked to the twins bedroom were they both were surprising already awake

" DADDY ! " Jeongsan said smiling and jumping on me

" Good morning baby " I said smiling and giving him a kiss

" Dada..." I saw Janggsan pouting and making grabby at me. I picked him up and kissed him on the cheek

" Let's get you two in the bath so you two can eat breakfast and go to school " I said picking them both up and heading to their Monster Truck themed bathroom. I turned on the tub water and removed their pajama clothes set them in the tub and started to wash their hair while they played with their tubs

" Daddy " Jeongsan said looking up at me and I smiled cause he looks just like me

" Yes Baby ? "

" When is Mommy coming back? " He said again and I honestly keep on running out of excuses to tell me

" Mommy is busy so she can't come visit us anymore " I said smiling and he pouted

" But you always say that " He said frowning and looking down

" I'm sorry baby, but Mommy just can't see us anymore " I said kissing his forehead and finishing washing them up and putting on their clothes

I gave them both a bowl of cereal and walked upstairs to get their backpacks and my suit case. I walked back downstairs and saw my babies washing their hands and putting up their bowls

" Come on you two so you guys won't be late " I said smiling and handing them their backpacks and heading outside

I buckled them in their car seats and drove to their school while playing Baby Shark for Janggsan has he smiled at me

I always feel my heart melt when Janggsan is happy cause he never always shows how happy he is cause he is really shy...His little smile bunny smile...I wonder where he get it

I pulled up to their school and got out of the car. They both grabbed my hands and basically dragged me inside the school. We walked up to Taehyung's classroom and once they entered the classroom. They screamed in happiness

" TATA! " They both yelled and ran up to Taehyung and hugged his legs and smiled up at him

" Hello little ones...hi Jungkook " He said quietly and looking up at me

" um...yeah, hi....I should get going " I said awkwardly and leaving the classroom and walking to my car and soon heading off to work...Missing Taehyung's soft lips on mine

~ Taehyung's POV ~

I sadly watched Jungkook leave and I sighed in sadness. We could always give each other a kiss on the lips once he drops the twins off and once he comes and picks the twins up

" Why aren't you and my daddy talking ? " Jeongsan said pouting " You both always hug and talk when you see each other...Are you mad at each other " He said hugging mommy les again

" No and your Daddy just have a small....disagree " I said sadly smiling

" Are you both gonna be happy again ? " He said

" Well See Baby...well see "


The school day was over and I was cleaning up the classroom a little as parents started to pick up their kids

" DADA !!! " Janggsan said yelling and running up into Jungkook's arms who just walked in

" Hi my baby" He said smiling and kissing their cheek

I looked at Jungkook and noticed something different about them....He was looking hot as fuck...When he comes and gets the twin, he is normally wearing his business suit but these time , he was wearing dark jeans with a light blue buttoned up shirt with his sleeves rolled up

( A/N : You can't denied that when Jungkook has his sleeves rolled up...Issa whole Daddy 🤣)

" TaTa , go talk to Daddy " Janggsan said pushing me towards Jungkook and he looked down at me and smirked slightly

" My babies , why don't you go out there and read a book while me and TaTa talk for a little bit " He said and the twins nodded and walked over to the book shelf

" Are you still mad at me babyboy " He said biting his lip and walking closet to me

" Y-Yes..." I said in a high hitch voice as he touched my thigh

" Well I'm sorry Angel....I just get a little overprotective about what's...." He said as he grabbed my waist and placed me on the desk  and gripped my waist

" Mine " He said in my ear and I felt my cheeks turn red and my breath hitch

" J-jungkook...T-the Twins " I said whispering out as he started to kiss my neck

" Their sleep by the way " He said and I looked over and saw the twins a sleep of some odd reason

He turned back to me and started to suck and lick on my collarbone and under my ear where I felt my eyes roll back at the hint of pleasure

" Not now " I said biting my lip and trying to push him off and his hands slide in between my legs and massaged my clothed cock

I threw my head back in pleasure and Jungkook started to kiss me neck again, leaving marks

" Not now  you horny man....Can we at least get home first....Please Daddy " I said smirking against his ear and he nodded and licked his lips

I kissed him one last time before hopping off of the desk and picking up Jeongsan while Jungkook carried Janggsan. We carried them to the car and quickly hoped inside, rushing to get home

Ouuu....I'm getting some dick tonight

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