Chapter Thirty Seven

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

" So Mr.Kim , Are you and Mr.Jeon in a relationship? " Ms.Lee said

" Yes we are , a very lovely relationship " I said smiling

" The Twins call you Mommy correct ? "

" As a teacher , don't you think that the twins should have a actual mother in their life ?

" No, of course not . As long as both of the parents love and take care of the children , it doesn't matter if it's both fathers or two mothers , I was raised never to judge "

" Okay , since your a kindergarten teacher and Mr.Jeon is a Businessman , should you bring in more money ? To support the twins ? What if Jungkook passes away and your still a kindergarten teacher , how will you support yourself and the twins ? " She said and I wanted to punch her

" I have two master degrees . One in teachering and the other one is engineering, so finding another job won't be a struggle " I said rolling my eyes and she walks away and Jeongyeon walks up to me

" You take care of The Twins like their your own ? " Jeongyeon said smiling and I nodded

" You take good care of them as I see. They are happy and health when they are with you " She said and I nodded and smiled

" Yes , it's a blessing to spend time with them , they are angels " I said smiling at them and they waved at me

" The Twins call you their mommy, they seem the be very happy with you so I don't see the reason why Soojin has the right to try and calm custody for the twin where Taehyung is here to take care of them. You have are smart, you obviously see that Twins want Taehyung, not Soojin " Jeongyeon said sitting down

" I call Jeon Janggsan and Jeongsan to the stand " Ms.Lee said and the twins took their places

" So Janggsan and Jeongsan, Do you like your real mommy Soojin ? " Ms.Lee said smiling to them

" She's Okay " Jeongsan said shrugging and then she looks at Janggsan who just shrugged his shoulders

" You do realize that Taehyung isn't your real mom , correct ? " She said and Taehyung looked at him

" Yes...." They both said

" What do you think will happen with TaTa leaves ? " She said and I saw they pouted. They always hated the thought of Taehyung leaving them

" I-I don't know..." The Twins said pouting and looking at Taehyung with glossy eyes

" Your real mommy is the one who gave birth to you , but you don't like her ? " Ms.Lee and they looked at us and I could tell that they wanted to get off of the stand

" M-mommy ! " Janggsan said sniffing and making grabby hands at Taehyung and the judge looked at Taehyung and nodded

Taehyung got up and walked over to Janggsan and picked him

" B-bad lady " He said sniffing and hiding his face in my neck and I patted his back

" I know baby, I know " I said

" No further questions " Ms.Lee said and glaring at Soojin. That's when Jeongyeon walked up to Jeongsan and smiled

" Hey sweetie , Why do you you and your brother love Taehyung so much ? " She asked and he smiled

" TaTa always takes care of us. He helps keep the monsters under my bed away and he helps Janggsan calm down. He and my Daddy love each other and we both love TaTa, he's our mommy " He said smiling and I almost cried cause of how much I knew they loved me

" Who would you rather live with? "

" TaTa "

" Who is your mommy ? "

" TaTa "

" Who do you love more ? Soojin or Taehyung ?"

" I love TaTa more , he is my mommy " Jeongsan said smiling at me, his little bunny teeth showing

" As you can see , The Twins want nothing to do with Soojin , They want Taehyung as their mother. Soojin doesn't properly take care of them behind closed doors. It doesn't matter if Taehyung is only a kindergarten teacher , he provides love and care for the Twins and that's all that's truly matters " Jeongyeon said smiling and ushering Jeongsan off of the stand and he rushed over and hugged me

After an hour of waiting , the Judge called everyone back into the court room. We all raised as the judge put on her glasses and became to speak

" With all of the evidence and resource that both of the cases have. We had decided that Seo Soojin is not allowed to be apart of Jeon Jeongsan and Janggsan lives and that Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung are the children official Guardians . The twins may only visit her on their own terms , Case closed " She said an smiling at us and we smiled, and kissed each other

" Thanks you so much Jeongyeon " Jungkook said hugging her and so did I

" It was no problem , just doing my job , take care " She said and walked out

" Don't you think...We should go home and celebrate? " I whispered in his ear and he smirked and nodded

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