Chapter Twenty Four

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~ 4 months later ~

~ Jungkook's POV ~

" A-hhhh " I said moaning out as Soojin was riding me and I held her waist

" I'm gonna cum ! " She said moaning out and cumming and I came inside of the condom. She kissed me and I was panting till I heard Janggsan crying. I heard Soojin groan in annoyance

" I'll be right back " I said kissing her forehead and putting on some sweatpants and walking into the twins  room. I felt my heart break when I saw Jeongsan holding Janggsan as he was crying

I quickly walked over to him and put his face in my chest as he cried out

" What's wrong baby ? " I said running my fingers through his hair

" T-Tata...I want Mommy ! " He said yelling and crying some more. I sat on the bed and sighed

I know the Twins miss Taehyung so much...They always ask about where he is on the weekends cause they see him at school but now I just can't keep on lying to them...I can't keep lying to myself...I love Taehyung...But my feeling for Soojin are starting to come back...All the memories me and her shared when we were younger, it all started to come back

" Mommy , Why is JangJang crying ? " I heard Jeongsan said talking to Soojin who just walked into the room

" I don't know Jeongsan , Why is he crying again Jungkook " she said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes

" He wants Taehyung " I said quietly and kissing his forehead as he slowly started to fall back asleep to the sound of my heart

" Just tell him that I'm his mommy and that TaTa isn't coming back " She said sighing and I slowly nodded and tucked him in his bed and soon Jeongsan cuddled up to his brother and they both feel asleep

Soojin and I both walked back to my bedroom and I sat on the edge of my bed and I get Soojin' hands on my was nice but her hands couldn't compare to Taehyung's

His small and soft hands massaging my sore and aching shoulders...The way he would kiss the side of my neck and whisper how much of a good man I was and how hard I worked....The way he would put small love letters in my briefcase so I'd always see them...The way he was kiss me...and touch me ....The way he would run me a hot bath and just look at me like I held some type of galaxy in my eyes...The way he- "

"....Jungkook " I heard Soojin say as I snapped out of my trance and looked over at her

" Yes ? " I said scratching my head

" Wanna continue ? " She said straddling my waist and I sighed and nodded and she took off my pants and took off her robe and got down to business

~ After Sex ~

We both were panting and she kissed my cheek and soon fell asleep. I phone had rang and I answered it and it was my parents

" Hello ? Yes ?...Oh sure, can I bring Soojin ? Okay bye,  love you guys  " I said smiling and hanging up before walking up Soojin and she groaned

" My parents were wondering if we could come over for thanksgiving tomorrow? " I said and she nodded before going back to sleep, I kissed her forehead before going to sleep

~ Time Skipping and The car ride to The Parent Jeons ~

We arrived at my parents and I already saw car packed in their drive way

" W-will TaTa be here ? " The Twins asked and I heard Soojin huff and mumbled " I hope not "

" I don't know my babies and Soojin, if you see Taehyung, be at least try and be mature ? For me ? " I said and she smiled and kissed me on lips and I kissed her back and smiled

" And you look beautiful in that dress " I said smiling

We both out of the car, with the twins by our sides and walked up to the door. I knocked and soon saw my mom smiling at us and the twins immediately hugged her legs and soon running to my papa

" Hello darling , come in , the food is almost ready " She said opening the door more

" Soojin honey , come and help me with the food " She said and Soojin nodded while smiling and walking into the kitchen with my mom

I wanna know why my mom isn't mad that I'm with Soojin ? I don't fucking know ! I thought my mom really liked Taehyung but she seemed pretty calm when I told her I'd give Soojin a second chance

" Oh Jungkookie ! Could I help me with something " I heard my mom say and I excused myself and walked into the kitchen where I saw Soojin running upstairs into the bathroom

" What's wrong with her ? " I said worried and looking at the bathroom

" I have no idea , I think the smell of these onions probably got to her " My mom said laughing and I nodded and started to help her with it

" Mrs. Jeon , where should I put the cake" I heard a soft voice from behind me and turned around to see Taehyung...Taehyung...didn't look like the boy I knew 4 months again

He dyed his hair brownish sliver now. He had green contacts in and his body...Let's not start that how big and thicker his ass and thighs got . His waist looked much more slimmer and petite then before. He has an earring in and Cartledge piercing....He just looked so wow...

" Thank you , Taehyung honey , just place it on the table " My moms said smiling and he placed the cake in the center of the table, bending his over the table a little bit so I could see his ass....So round and soft....I wonder if his hole is even tighter and smoother-

" Hey Baby" I heard a deep voice and my eyes widened as it was a mint haired green male walking up to Taehyung and kissing him on the lips and Taehyung kissed back

" Hey Yoongi "

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