Chapter Twenty

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

My eyes widened as Soojin stood in front of me. I haven't seen her in 5...almost for 6 years but here she is...Her red hair and dominant features...The same as when she left

" Soojin? " I head my parents gasp as they saw her at the door

" Hello...I know you weren't expecting me...."She said looking down and soon looking at the twins, who were confused about who she was

" Daddy, Who is she? " Jeongsan said tilting his head and I was confused and skeptical if I should tell him or not but the truth will come out soon so I had no other choice

" Jeongsan, this is your real mommy Soojin," He said biting my lip and he was still confused

" My real mommy? " He said looking at her and she just stared at him...Not knowing what to say

" Yes Bud...Your real mommy " I said and he looked at her a little bit and smiled and ran and hugged her legs

" HI MOMMY! " He said smiling and I looked at Taehyung who looked absolutely heartbroken

" I...I thought I was his mommy" He said whispering and excusing himself and walking upstairs

I wanted to get comfort him but he probably wanted to be alone at the moment

" D-Dada....M-mommy " Janggsan said pouting and pointing to where Taehyung left off too

" Why don't you go upstairs and comfort mommy okay? " I said kissing his cheeks and he walked upstairs and I turned back to Soojin and Jeongsan

" Look Momma! I can tie my shoelaces! " He said smiling and showing her how he ties his shoes

" That's good Jeongsan," She said slightly smiling and my parents spoke up

" Soojin, why don't you come inside dear, " My mom said smiling and leading her inside and into the kitchen and gave her a cup of coffee

Sometimes I hate it when my mom has a big heart and can't say mad at anyone

" What is she doing here " I heard my dad say behind me and I shrugged and said that I didn't know why

" Um...Honey, let's go upstairs..." She said taking my dads hand and going upstairs and Jeongsan smiled at Soojin

" Why don't you go upstairs and play with your brother while I talk to mommy," I said to Jeongsan smiling and he nodded and ran upstairs and I turned around to her and looked her dead in the eyes and I lead her outside once again

" What the fuck is your problem? Why that hell would you show up here " I said furious and crossing my arms

" I just wanted to see my kids," She said rolling her eyes

" Now you wanna see them? After almost 6 years of abandoning them? Now you wanna see them?! YOU WANTED TO ABORT THEM! I had to get down on my knees and beg you not them...What the fuck! " I said yelling at her in anger and she smirked

"  But I didn't, now I'm here and I wanna spend time with him "

" You don't deserve to " spent time " with them! They have a new mommy and they both are happy with it "

" What new mommy? IM their mom " She said get upset and confused

" They light purple head angel that you saw walk upstairs...HE is their new mommy and MY boyfriend " I said smirking and she looked like she was about to throw up

"You're gay ?!? "

" yea surprisingly, my taste for women vanished once YOU left me, " I said balling up my fist

" HE can't be their mom, the twins need a mother figure- "

" What the fuck do you know about being a mother or a fucking parents? Mothers don't leave their children on their father's doorstep in the mid of the night while it's freezing cold outside! If I wasn't at home, they could've died in -9% weather! " I said yelling at her and tears formed in my eyes as I had to remember to the vivid image of my babies shivering in the cold with their red noses and cheeks...It broke my heart

" Well...That's in the past now! What are you gonna do about it? Jeongsan already loves me, What are you gonna tell him when he finds out that you wouldn't let them see me? I know he's been asking about me "

I hated to admit it but she was right...Jeongsan
has been asking about Soojin for months and months...Now he finally gets to see her and I know that he is really happy...If I was to take it away from him...He wouldn't forgive me

" See, you know I'm right...Well if you'd excuse me, I have to move into my new apartment" She said smirking and my eye widened


" Yep I got me an apartment close by so now you'll see me more often, See you soon Jungkook," She said smirking and walking to her car

I put my hands in my hair and walked into the house and closed the door

" I know you and Taehyung need to talk alone so we're gonna take the twin out for ice cream " My dad said and all 4 of them walked out of the house. I took a deep breath and walking upstairs to the guest bedroom and opened the door to see Taehyung laying on the bed

" Baby...Are you okay? " I said slowly laying behind him and leaving small kisses on his neck

" Yes...Just a little sad but I'll get through it " He said wiping his tears

" I know your sad baby...But can you think about Jeongsan for a second? He has been dying to meet Soojin for months"

" I know...I just told he wouldn't be happy to see her cause I thought I was his new mommy but I guess not " He said sadly smiling and I hugged his and pulled him into my chest and kissed his forehead

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