Chapter Twenty Eight

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

" What are we gonna name our baby Soojin ? " I said smiling and she looked up at  me

" Maybe something cute and soft...Like Yeri ? I think that sounds cute " She said smiling and I nodded

" Wanna tell the kids that they are gonna have another sibling ? " I said smiling brightly but she grabbed my arm and nodded no

" I want be surprise ? " she said biting her lip and smiling

" Aren't they sleep anyways ? " Soojin as her hand rose up my arms and into my shirt

" Yes, they are asleep " I said looking at her and she smirked and straddled my waist, started to grind on my clothes cock. I placed my hand on her waist to stop her

" Soojin ! What are you doing ? " I said looking at her confused and she bit her lip and smirked at me, she started to unbutton her shirt

" I wanna have some fun Daddy " She said pouting and I shook my head no

" Your pregnant Soojin , we cant have sex while your pregnant " I said calmly

I understood that pregnant women sexual hormones are all over the place but I still didn't have wanna have sex with her while our kid is inside of her

" But Why ? I'm horny and your supposed to help  me ! " She said yelling and I sighed

" No Soojin , we aren't having sex...." I said lightly picking her up and setting her beside me and she pouted

" I'm sorry...How about I go to the store and pick up you some food ? " I asked and shook her head no

" I'll go get it " She said smiling and kissing my cheek and putting on her shoes,  grabbing her bag and heading out. I smiled and laid back on bed and just decided to go back to sleep....hoping I'd dream about Taehyung

~ Taehyung's ~

" Yoongi...." I said moaning out as he got on top of me and started to kissing my collarbone

" What is it baby " He said pouting and looking up at me

" I need to go to the store so I can make us dinner tonight " I said giggling and running my hair and kissing his cheek

" Right now ? " He said whining and holding my waist and I nodded and smiled at him while getting out of bed and heading to the shower but soon Yoongi joined me

After we...showered , I put on a loose shirt and some tight fitted jeans and Yoongi licked his lips at me then groped my ass

" I have to goooo ! " I said laughing and grabbing my car keys and heading to the store. As I was driving , I looked over my grocery list and realized that i was about to buy was Jungkook's  favorite food " Lemon pepper chicken Alfredo with garlic bread

1. Salt
2. Lemon pepper
3. Garlic Bread
4. Chicken
5. Pasta
6.  Alfredo Sauce
7. Onion Powder
8. Pepper
9. Cheese
10. Red Wine

I sighed and parked in the parking lot and make sure to forget my list. I walked into the sauces and pasta aisle and stopped once I saw Soojin already in that aisle. I looked at her cause something didn't them right

Her baby bump ? Where is it ? Shouldn't she  
at least have one by now?

I thought to myself and continued to look at her as she walked away....perfectly fine ? Shouldn't her feet be sore ? My aunt could barely walk when she was pregnant . I shook off the random thought and continued to pick out the ingredients for Jungkooks meal- I mean Yoongis' meal ! Yeah, Yoongis' meal !

I rolled my eyes and paid for my groceries

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