Chapter Four

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

I woke up at 6:30am and smiled. Another day with adorable little children. I've always loved kids...But, I've never found the right person...the right man to adopt one with. Maybe my wish will come true

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the warm shower water. I remembered the man from yesterday....I don't remember his first name...All I know is that his last name is Jeon of course

I washed my body and stepped out of the shower and exfoliated my skin cause I love when my skin is nice and soft. As you can tell, I'm more on the feminine side more than the muscular and manly side. I lotion my skin and wash my face and brushed my teeth

I put on some fitting pants and a light pink buttoned up shirt. I styled my hair a little and soon walked out of the door, not wanting to be late

I drive to the nearest Starbucks and got myself and Oreo creamed coffee and drove to the school

" Morning Jin-hyung " I said bowing and smiling before walking to my class and starting to fix up my classroom a little. I straighten up the coloring papers and colored pencils so the kids could color

" Hey Tae " I heard Jimin say and I smiled and waved at him

" Do you ever stay in your own class room hyung ? " I said setting out the coloring books and color pencils on the desks

" Nope , just wanted to say heyyy " He said and walked out of the classroom. I finished setting everything out and sat at my desk and sipped my tea

It's was around 7:30am and that's when children and their parents walked in and they all greeted me. I looked at my computer till I heard that same deep voice

" Be good okay , I promise I'll take you both out to the park and buy you ice cream " He said to the twins

" We promise Daddy! " Jeongsan said hugging his father

" Y-Yes Da-da " Janggsan said smiling and kissing his fathers cheek

" T-ta-ta! " Janggsan said pointing at me and running to hug my legs

" Hello little one " I said smiling brightly and patting his head

" TaTa ! " I heard Jeongsan yell also and ran to hug my leg

" Hello other little one " I said smiling at him and pinching his cheek

" Well , I promise to pick them up on time this time " He said smiling and I nodded as he walked out of the room

" Are we gonna color today TaTa ? " Jeongsan said with hoping eyes and I nodded. The big smile on his face with to cute. I looked down at Janggsan and saw his face still cuddled into his face in my legs

" Aren't you gonna go color with your brother ? " I said looking down at him and pouted and nodded no. He raised his arms up for me too pick him and and I picked him up and sat him on my lap as he held on to my neck

I typed on my computer as Janggsan fell asleep in my arms. I didn't mind at all, he was so fluffy and cute that I didn't wanna let him ago

" TaTa ! " I heard Jeongsan say running up to me

" Hey Little one ? " I said and he pouted

" Can you teach me how to color in the lines ? " He said with his big doe eyes. I nodded and set him in my lap and started to teach him to color in the lines slowly

" My mommy never taught me this ! " Jeongsan said

" Well, I'm glad I can teach you" I said smiling as I saw that he got the hang off it and I went to sit back at my desk and continued what I was doing

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