Chapter Thirty Nine

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

" Speaking of birthdays , when your birthday? " I heard Jungkook whispers in my ear and I smiled

" December 30th " I said smiling and mixing the food that I was currently cooking

" What do you want for your birthday baby ? " He said kissing the side of my neck. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck

" Hm....I don't even know....I've never really asked for anything on my birthday " I said laughing and he picked me up and placed me on the counter

" Oh come on...I know their at least SOMETHING you want " He said pouting and I shook my head

" Nope , I really don't want anything....I have you and the twins...I couldn't ask for anyone " I said smiling and planting a soft kiss on his lips

" Well....I know at night I'm gonna give you the best birthday sex you've ever had " He said licking my ear and I thumped his neck

" Ow ! What's was that for ? "

" Stop trying to sexual seduce me while I'm always cooking ! The food is either burnt or you go upstairs and have sex " I said rolling my eyes and he huffed

" When is Jin gonna bring the twins bad home ? " He said frowning and I smiled and sat on his lap

" Awwww ! You miss your babies already ?" I said teasing him and he nodded

" I've honestly ever been away from the twin more than 2 day at the least. I've always been with him " He said pouting and laying his head in my neck. I kissed his forehead and got up to continue to finish the meal I was previously making

We heard a knock at the door and Jungkook was the first to answer it

" DADDY ! " I heard two small voices yell and I knew that they twins were back

" Look who's back ! " Jungkook said smiling and showing his bunny smile and I cooed

" MOMMY ! " They both yelled and ran to hug my legs

" Hello my babies " I said smiling and kissing him on the forehead

" I'm making dinner so why don't you both go watch some TV " I said smiling and they nodded

" Tae " I said and I hummed in responses

" I was wondering...If you'd wanna go Christmas tree shopping with me and the twins tomorrow " He said blushing and I felt my heart beat ten times faster

I don't remember the last time I went Christmas shopping with a lover, let alone in general

" Really ! " I said smiling and hugging him

" Yes of course, it'd be boring without you Tae " He said smiling and kissing me. I looked up at him with so much love and passion that I couldn't even describe into a proper sentence

" Come on babies ! " I said smiling as the twins ran into the kitchen , ready to eat. I put a large amount of food in on their plates and poured juice in their cups before they walked into the living room and eat

Me and Jungkook teased each other more than we ate the food

After a while , the twins came in the kitchen and put up their plates and rubbed their eyes. Me and Jungkook picked them up and got them ready for bed

" Let's go take a shower and go to bed " He said laughing and walking into the bedroom and into the bathroom. We took off all of our clothes and hoped into the shower

" Why do you always have the water so fucking hot " Jungkook said laughing and wrapping his arms around me

" Cause I rather be hot than cold " I said in a sassy tone and Jungkook pulled me into a hot kiss. We finished washing up and stepped out of the shower and drying ourselves off

" I'm wearing one of your shirts Jeon " I said kissing him and putting on one of his bigger shirts

" You wear them any other day " He said smiling and getting into bed with me. We cut off the light and laid there in darkness

" Jungkook, why didn't you have any other relationships before me ? " I asked as I laid my head in his chest

" Well....I've had some what dates with people...but as soon as I mentioned I have a kids , they bolt " He said sighing and I held his hand

" That's a stupid ass reason, their nothing wrong with being a single dad. I don't know what people didn't at least TRY and listen to you...." I said pouting even though he probably couldn't see me

" That's what I love about you Taehyung...your always so honest and genuine....I really think faith decided to bring us together cause I have no idea what I'd do without you " He said and pulling me into his warm and strong chest

I smiled and ran my fingers up and down his muscular arms. Is this what I've been missing out on ? The feeling of love

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