Chapter Twenty Two

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Question Of The Day : Does anyone wanna make covers for me ? I suck ass trying to make them ? Anyone wanna make some for me ? Just DM me on my Instagram " Mochis_Euphoria " ☺️ I'll credit you ♥️

~ Taehyung's POV ~

I woke up to loud coughing and groaning beside me. I turned over to see Jungkook sweating in his sleep  and I frowned as I put my hand on his forehead and realized that he was damn near burning up. I removed the cover from his body, thinking that he was probably hot

" Jungkook , wake up " I said shaking him awake and as soon as he woke up , he started to groan in pain

" T-Tae....It hurts " He said biting his lip and holding his stomach

" It's okay Jungkookie , let's get you to the kitchen so I can give you some medicine " I said kissing him on the lips and slowly wrapping his hand around my neck and walking downstairs into the kitchen

" Tae..." Jungkook said wincing as I set him down in a chair and I went to the medicine cabinet and go out some flu medicine

" Here, Take this and after drink some water " I said kissing his forehead and he nodded and quickly drink the medicine and chugged down the water

" Let's you to bed and I'll sleep downstairs so I won't bother you " I said smiling and I heard him wimpier and hugged me

" No....stay with me " He said quietly and coughing after .I nodded and walked us back upstairs and into the bed

" Are you hot or cold ? "

" C-cold " He said holding his stomach

I smiled and got into bed and he immediately got between my legs and hugged my torso, placed his face in my neck

Awww....My muscular bunny is such a big baby when he is sick

I kissed his forehead and stroked his hair till I heard him fall asleep

I love you Kookie

~ Time Skip ~

I woke up at my alarm and looked down to see Jungkook still in deep asleep. I wanted to wake him up for work but I knew that he was in pain and extremely tired so I let him rest and walked in to the twins bedroom to get them ready for school

" Come on angels , your daddy isn't feeling very well so I'm gonna take you guys to school with me " I said and they smiled and got ready for school

I quickly fixed them breakfast and told them to eat while I go upstairs to check on Jungkook, not forgetting to get some medicine and some Sprite

I opened the door and see Jungkookie still asleep. I placed his medicine on the night stand and kissed him on the lips

" No....Don't  go " He said quietly and damn near pulling me on the bed. I could tell his throat was dry so I handed him the sprite

" Where you going ?" He said grabbing my hand and trying once again to pull me into bed

" I have to go to work and I'm taking the twins with me since you have the flu " I said smiling and kissing him on the lips before he nodded and laid back down on the bed

I walked downstairs and smiled at the twins who were sitting on the couch with their backpacks

" Come on babies " I said holding their hands and walked out side and into the car


It was the end of the day and like always, parents came and got their children. I figured that I would just take the twins home after I was finished grading things and cleaning up a little

" TaTa ! Can we play games on your phone ? " Jeonsgan said smiling and I smiled and headed them my phone and they ran in a corner and played games on my phone. I was cleaning and straightening up a little and I heard he door opened. I thought it was Jungkook till I heard the sound of heels

I quickly turned around saw Soojin

" Why are you doing here ? " I said rolling my eyes and standing in front of her

" I'm here to pick up the twins " She said smirking and I swear I wanted to punch the living day lights out of her even though I barely know her

" Said who ? I'm not letting you take them without Jungkooks OR my permission " I said crossing my arms and looked over at the twins who were too busy playing games on my phone to realize I'm about to knock their mom out

" My poor poor Jungkookie is sick and no one else could come get the twins so he called me to come get them " Soojin said smirking and walking over to the twin but I was quick and walked in front of her

" Think again before I punch you in the mouth " I said hissing at her and she smirked

" What look what we have here...Such a bad example for the twins " She said fake pouting

" What the hell do you know about example for the kids ? " I said balling up my fist

" Cause I'm their mother , no matter what you think....THEY'RE MY KIDS ! Not yours"

" WHAT MOM ABANDONED THEIR CHILD IN THE COLD ? Tried to get an abortion ! What type of mom are you ?" I said yelling at her

" Even if I did get an abortion, I'd still have Daddy Jungkook wrapped around my fingers "She said barking at me and I punched her straight in the face

" Mommy ! " I heard Janggsan yelling and crying and Jeongsan was yelling also as I slapped her across the face and pulled her hair

" TAEHYUNG! " I heard Jungkook said coughing and pulled me off of her. Her nose and lip were bleeding and I smirked at her messed up face

" Take the kids to the car Soojin " I heard Jungkook said panting and I looked at him with disbelief

" What the hell Tae ! Why would you punch her in the kids!? " He said yelling at me and my mouth widened


" What else am I supposed to do ? You punched her infront of the kids ! Your supposed to be their role model ! What type of roll model are you to do that!"

" She left your kids out in the cold ! I helped you when Janggsan was having nightmares ! What type of role as mom I ? WHAT TYPE OF MOTHER IS SHE ? " I said with tears in my eyes cause we're supposed to stick together and yet he's picking her

" We need some spaces...." He said quietly and walking out of the room. I felt my heart break and I bursted out Into tears

What the fuck just happened

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