Chapter Eight

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~Taehyung's POV ~

" Come on Tae ! You have to get ready for your date with Mr.Hot stuff ! " I hear Jimin say as he rumbled through my closet to find me something to wear

" I know " I said blushing and also looking for something to wear since Jungkook is coming to get me in like an hour or so

" Don't be shy~ You'll finally get some dick ! "

" It's just a simple small date , I'm sure nothing extreme is gonna happen " I said rolling my eyes and getting out a black and silver buttoned up shirt and some skinny jeans

" Perfect outfit ! Now , go take a shower so when you get out I can do your make up and hair " He said pushing me inside the bathroom and I wanna headed straight to the shower where I go in and started to wash myself with coconut body wash and shampoo. I smiled at the thought of Jungkook taking me out on a date

I was thinking so much that I didn't realize that Jimin was knocking on the bathroom door for me to get out. I cut off the water and dried myself off and putting on my clothes and walked out to see Jimin with his make up bag

" Sit and let me do my magic sis ! " He said snapping his fingers and I laughed and nodded before sitting down in front of my mirror and let Jimin do his so called Magic

" Are you finished yet " I said pouting as I kept on glancing at the clock

" And....Finished and right on time ! " He said smiling and getting out a mirror and placing it in front of me

" Oh my puppies ! I look amazing! " I said smiling widely and hugging him tightly before I heard a knock at the door

" I think he is here " I said smiling and getting a little nervous all of a sudden

Wow...This is my first date in 3 years....And it's with a man that lots like he was from heaven....DOUBLE SCORE

" Have fun " He said smiling and hugging me. I nodded and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I took one last look at myself in my mirror before open the door to reveal a gorgeous Jeon Jungkook

" W-wow...You really know how to dress..." I said with my mouth wide opened and he smiled and handed me a rose

Omg...He is so romantic...It's been a long time since I've been treated like this....It feel nice...But I just couldn't keep my eyes off of him...His dark brown hair and his deep yet soft brown eyes...He was so tall and so well build as a man-

" Your staring Taehyung " He said smiling and I snapped out of my trance and blushed while looking down

" Sorry " I said blushing and I heard his beautiful laugh and he softly takes his hand into mine

" It's okay , you look amazing as well tonight, shall we go ? " He said smiling and I nodded and he lead me to his car. He opened the door for me like a gentleman

" Thank you " I said smiling and he got into the car and started to drive

" Where are we going ? " I said pouting and he shook his head at my cuteness

" It's a surprise " He said smiling and I poured and nodded

We arrived at a Carnival and I smiled once I saw all of the pretty lights and decor

" Look Tae! Their a Carnival Clown " Jungkook said pointing the a creepy looking clown with bright red and green hair

" W-wow...Clowns..." I said slowly stepping behind him and pulling him a little closer to me

" What ? Don't you like Clowns ? " He asked worried and I slowly nodded my head no and his mouth opened as if he thought he did something wrong

" I'm sorry Tae , You should have told me that you didn't like clowns or else I won't have took you to the circus clowns where clowns would be everywhere " He said pouting and I shook my head no

" It's okay ! Come on ! Let's play games! " I said giggling and pulling him over to the first booth game

It was a throwing baseball game and I grabbed 3 balls and tossed them at the bottles but I missed

Loser Loser Loser

I pouted  once I lost the game and I felt Jungkook tilt my game till I was looking at him

" Don't frown, I'll win the Donut for you " He said smiling and throwing the balls and knocking over the bottles with ease. My mouth hung open as the person at the stand handed him the big chocolate Plushie Donut. He handed me the Plushie and I blushed and hugged him

We played more games and he won me a big brown Cookie shaped Plushie

" Thank you Kookie " I said smiling and hugging him. I put my face into his chest since I'm such shorter than him. I looked up at him and saw him furrowing his eyebrows. I looked at where he was looking at and a see 2 men looking at me while licking their lips

He saw Jungkook look at them and I heard him give off a low growls and he wrapped his hands around me waist and pulled me closer to him and looked down at me and smiled

" Wanna get on one last ride before we leave ? " He said smiling and I nodded. He took a hold of my hand again and started walking towards a love boat ride. It had " L-O-V-E" on the top and a heart shaped enter

We both sat down in the boat and the boat ride started. Once we were inside, I looked at the water falls inside and I couldn't take me eyes off of them

" Look Jungkook ! " I said pouting to the rain down colored water falls and I felt Jungkook's hand slip into mine. I smiled and blush at his action at the moment

" There's a cupid...It's so beautiful ! " I said giggling and pointing the a beautiful Cupid above us

" Not as beautiful as you..." He said smiling and I felt my heart melt into pieces

" Your so Romantic " I said blushing and I squeaked once he pulled me closer by my waist and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was a blushing mess as I laid my head in his chest as the ride continued

I honestly couldn't ask for a better night

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