Chapter Seven

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Taehyung's POV ~

I smiled and walked back on after the evening with Jungkook and the twins. It was so nice hanging out with them for today but I was so tired that all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I open the door and was surprised when I saw a Jimin on the couch eating some chips

" you could at least tell me before you crash inside my house " I said laughing

" well you gave me a key remember " he said laughing and rolling his eyes

" where were you all day , I cancelled a date with Hoseok ! " He said pouting

" I was out with Jungkook and the twins " I said smile again and taking off my shoes and coat

" what are you doing with them ? I didn't know you all hung out " Jimin say confused

" oh, well you know how I don't like being alone when storms happen so Jungkook invited me over and we just hung out for a little while " I said smiling and sitting next to him

" Did you get some dick though? " He said smirking and I hit him

" What no ! I just wanted to hang out with him and the twins, plus, the twins were happy to see me " I said smiling

" Ohhhh , looks like someone is in love ~ " He said singing and walking into the kitchen

" I'm not in love , I don't even remember what love is like " I said sighing and Jimin looked at me and hugged me

" I promise you'll find love , I'm your best friend and the bestie is always correct " He said smiled and kissing my cheek. I watched movies and played game before he had to leave

Jimin left and i went to go take a shower before heading to bed

I flopped on the bed and quickly went to sweet

It was the middle of the night when I heard my phone rang

" Hello ? " I said through the phone and I smiled once I heard Jungkook's voice

" Hey Taehyung..." He said quietly and I was a little worried cause he is never really sadish on the phone

" Yes Jungkook? Something wrong? You sound so sad " I said pouting and I heard his beautiful laugh on the other side

" No, I'm not sad. I'm just being really quiet cause the twins are asleep on my chest " He said laughing and I smiled at the thought of the adorable site

" Awww , i wish I was there...I would have took hundreds of pictures " I said laughing and rolling on the other side of my bed. " So what did you want to call me for? "

" I just...I wanted to ask you something " He said through the phone

" Yes ? What is it " I said smiling and I heard him take a deep breath from the other side

" Would...Would you like to....g-go on a date with me...Y-you don't have to say can say no-"

" Yes! I'd love to go on a date with you Jungkook ! " I said smiling

" Really ? haven't been on a date in a while so if I mess up...Please don't think low of me " He said quietly and I laughed

" Oh come on Kookie ! I'm sure you'd do perfectly fine on a date with me " I said smiling through the phone

" Well , I have to go out the twin to bed so....I'll pick you up tomorrow around 8:00pm " He said and I heard him yawn

" Sure thing....See you tomorrow, good night " I said to him and he mumbled good night before hanging up. I put my phone to my phone to my chest smiled

Well...Thats one way to win my heart

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