Chapter Thirty One

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

I woke up in Jungkook's bed at around 6:00pm. I looked over at him and realized that he was still sleep. He eyes were red and puffy, cheeks stained with dried up tears and hair messy. I knew that he was sad to be honest he looked kinda...cute

I got up and took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me wearing a shirt of his. I put on a yellow oversized shirt and put my dirty clothes in a hamper. I looked over at him and laid beside him. I looked down at his body and my eyes widened

Is that a mother fucking 8 pack ? I think I'm gonna have a nose bleed...His body looks so fucking hot and delicious- Taehyung stop it ! He just got out of a relationship...But so did I do what's the point?

I kissed his cheek and headed downstairs to make dinner for them and the twins

" MOMMY ! " I heard Janggsan yell out and hug my legs

" Hey Baby " I said smiling and picking him up and kissing his cheek

" TaTa ! " I heard another small voice yell and it was Jeongsan, I picked him up and kissed his cheek also

" Other mommy made Daddy cry " Jeongsan said pouting as his down lip quivered. I cooed at him and told him everything was gonna be okay and that I was there now

" Stay...Mommy please stay " Janggsan said looking up at me and I smiled and set them down

" Are you two hungry ? " I asked them. They both nodded and I told them to go watch TV in the living room while I cooked them dinner

I opened the cabinet and look around to see what I should make. Since Jungkook is really upset and mad...I'll just make his favorite meal! Lemon Pepper Chicken Alfredo with Garlic Bread

I got out the ingredients with ease since he always wants me to make for him. I started to make up the ingredients and starts to cook. Not the brag but I'm one amazing cook. The whole house smelt like heaven

I was so busy cooking at I didn't realize that Jungkook had already had woken up and walked downstairs

" Oh...hi Taehyung...I thought you left" I heard Jungkooks voice from behind me and I turned around to face him

" Look...I-I'm sorry that I got so upset with you last night....I said some really mean things and I swear I didn't mean any of it...I'm sorry about calling you a liar, I'm sorry for being so mean to you about the whole situation...I know you hate me now but I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me- " I cut his fast rant off with my lips and he could tell that he was more surprised then I was

I placed my hand on his cheeks and he bare hands grabbed my bare and exposed thighs ....I didn't even know that he slid his hand up the shirt and groped my thigh

" Jungkookie....T-the food ! " I said biting my lip as his lips trailed down my neck

" FOOD! " He said smiling and releasing me from his body and sniffing the Alfredo

" You made my favorite food! " He said smiling and I nodded and kissed him on the lips and continued to finish cooking while Jungkook literally could not keep his hands off me ! Every 5 seconds, his hands were either on my thighs , waist , hips , ass or around my neck

Freaky ass bunny rabbit

" What the fuck are you ? In runt or something ? Move ! "

" I'm not gonna finished cooking if you don't trying to seduce me every 3 minutes Jungkook " I said to him while mixed the chicken in with the Alfredo paste and sauce

"But you look so good..." He said pouting and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the side of my neck.i rolled my eyes and scooped up some on the pasta and held it up to his mouth for him to try it but all he did was look at me till he told the spoon and put the food on my collarbone and started like lick and suck the food out of my skin

He really is one horny ass bunny

The food was finally ready and I settled the table and Jungkook walked into the living room to get the Twins, soon they all ran inside the kitchen and smiled at me

They all just look the same...A patch full of damn BUNNIES

I smiled and filled their plates with the delicious meals and garlic bread and I told the twins they could eat in living room if they'd promise not to make a mess. They nodded and I poured them some juice and gave it to them as they walked into the living room

" I feel left out " Jungkook said pouting and I smiled at his baby like attention and pulled him into a kiss and I filled our plates with the food and sat at the table. Jungkook pouted and pulled me into his lap and he opened his laptop and played a movie while we ate

I looked down at Jungkook, who was already looking at me and I blushed and continued to eat till the both of us were full. I put our plates in the dish washer and we walked into the living room and sat on the couch while the twins were in front of the TV. They were watching Spongebob and I accidentally cursed once I accidentally scratched myself

" Watch your mouth Baby " He said whispering in my ear and I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the movie till I heard Jungkook growl and pick me up and take me to the bedroom where he locked the door and pinned my hands above my head

" You wanna roll your eyes at me baby ? Okay then , I'll make to fuck you hard till they roll back twice as much "

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