Chapter Six

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

I looked over at my sleeping babies and smiled. Am I doing everything right?...Am I being the perfect father ?

" Daddy " I said Jeonggsan said while sitting up on the bed

" Yes Bub?" I asked while picking him up and setting him on my lap

" TaTa is nice...Is my mommy at nice ? " He said and I sighed, thinking about what to say

" Your mommy....Was a nice women when we met. She had some problems so she had to leave " I said brushing his hair with my fingers

" Can you and TaTa date so TaTa can be my mommy ? " He asked and I smiled sadly

" Baby, TaTa can't just be your mommy, we have to date and get married in order for him to be your mommy " I said trying to make him understand and he pouted

" Why can't you both just date and get married " He asked and I felt Janggsan shift on the bed but didn't wake up

" I have to go on a date with him...I don't know him that well baby " He said tuckin him back into bed and kissing his forehead

" Go back to sleep baby , you have school tomorrow. Good night baby " He said kissing his cheek and turning on their night light. I smiled and walked into my bedroom and laid on the bed

The way Taehyung looked at me....I kinda...liked it I guess....But....I'm not even gay or even Bisexual

I sighed once again and laid on my bed and tried to go to sleep but all that ran through my mind was Taehyung. I shut my eyes and soon became sleepy then I feel asleep

~ 7 hours later ~

I woke up to my alarm and rolled out of bed. I walked into the kitchen and fixed myself a cup of coffee. I looked at the news and saw that their will be a serious thunder storm this after noon. I rolled my eyes cause Janggsan HATES storms. They didn't make an announcement to see if schools will be canceled over not. I called Taehyung to see if he knew

Turns out, school was cancelled. I decided to let the twins sleep in and i smiled when Taehyung asked if he could come over again cause he hates being alone cause storm are happening

I finished my coffee and typed on my computer like I do every other morning

I heard a knock on the door and smiled once I saw Taehyung

" I gift you with my presents " He said smiling and I moved over so that he could come in

" Where are the twins ? " He asked and I smiled

" I think they're sleep-"

" TATA ! " The twins both yelled as they ran down stairs and hugged Taehyung's leg

" Hey babies " He said kissing their cheeks and hugging them

" Do we have school ? " Jeongsan said pouting

" No sweetie " Taehyung said and Janggsan clapped and hugging him tighter and they both ran upstairs

" Let's watch a movie while the twins...Do whatever " I said laughing and Taehyung laughed also

His laugh was just so angelic

" What movies do you like ? " I asked and he started to think

" Any movie that includes blood " He said laughing and I smiled and couldn't stop looking at his lips

" For an angel looking person like you , I'd think you'd romance " I said laughing and looking for a scary movie. Once I found one, I put it in the DVD player

" Want some snacks ? " I asked and he nodded excitedly and dragged me to the kitchen

" Popcorn ! Do you have popcorn!? " He asked and I nodded and pointing to the cabinet. He smiled and ran to the cabinet and got out the popcorn. He quickly open the package and put it in the microwave quickly

" Where is your butter ? " He asked and I rolled my eyes

" Where do you think it is " I said in a sassy tone and I brung his face close to mine

" I'm the sassy one , don't try me " He said smirking and pouting the popcorn in a bowl and smiling

We walked into the living room and flopped on the couch and eats the popcorn Taehyung made

We finished our snacks and I looked at Taehyung and his ethereal feature....His big brown eyes...His fluffy and soft hair, that they makes you wanna run your fingers through it. His small waist and long legs. He was literally a doll of perfection

" Take a picture , maybe it will last longer " He said he looking at me and I stepped out of my trance.

" Sorry...I didn't mean to stare " I said blushing and he smiled

" It's okay, I know I'm cute " He said lightly punching my arms

" SHIT ! " Taehyung said screaming and surprisingly holding on to me

" You Okay ? " I asked and he looked up at me

" Yes....I'm just a little scared of storm-"


A loud rain of thunderstorm a group through the house and Taehyung jumped on me out of fear

" Your pretty sassy but scared of thunder ? " I said laughing and he looked up at me and pouted

" Your nose is pretty " Taehyung said and we both laughed

" Really ? " I said laughing and he nodded and smiled. We looked each other in the eyes and smiled

Taehyung...I think your turning me gay

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