Chapter Seventeen

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

" TaTa is my mommy," Janggsan said hugging Taehyung leg who was looking shocked as fuck

" Baby...You can't just say that " Taehyung said leaning down at his height and he pouted

" B-But why...Your my mommy " He said hugging him and Taehyung smiled

" Taehyung, why don't you take the kids inside to get cookies, " My mom said to Taehyung and he smiled and walked inside

" Explain please? " My parents said confused

" Well...Taehyung is my boyfriend cause I'm gay " I said bluntly and kinda scared

" Okay, Koojung, you own me 50$, " My mom said sticking his hand out in front of my dad and he rolled his eyes and handing her a 50$ bill

" I'm confused, " I said scratching my head

" We knew you gay were gay for like....4 years, " My dad said laughing and my mom hugged me

" Finally you came out, now I have an extra 50$ bucks," She said smiling and leading us inside

We walked into the kitchen and saw the twins sitting on Taehyung's lap. Once they all saw us, they smiled

" We haven't able to properly meet, I'm Jeon Juni and this is my husband Jeon KooJun," My mom said bowing and smiling sweetly at him

" It's a pleasure to meet you both, I'm Kim Taehyung! Jungkooks..." He said looking at me and I nodded and he continued " Jungkooks boyfriend " He said politely

" It's such a pleasure to meet you in person, our Jungkookie finally has a boyfriend after like 20 something years, " My dad said and I looked away in embarrassment

" Dad ~, " I said whining and looking at him

" Oh crap! I have food in the oven! " My mom said panicking

" Oh, I'll help you with it, " Taehyung said smiling and she agreed and walked into the kitchen

" Taehyung seems like a great person, I'm glad you finally found someone since she left, " He said patting my shoulder

" I know...I'm so lucky aren't I....I'm the man I am today cause of you and him, " I said hugging my dad and we walked into the kitchen

We all sat down at the diner table and My parents got to know Taehyung better

~Time Skip ~

" Come on my babies, let's get you two to bed, tell grandma and papa goodnight," I said smiling and they ran to my parents and gave him big hug and kiss before taking my hands and we both walked upstairs so I can get them to bed

I put them in their pajamas and tucked him into bed

" Daddy..." I heard Jeongsan say out and I turned to him

" Is TaTa gonna be my new mommy? " He said asked and I thought about it a little

" Would you want TaTa to do your mommy? " I asked and he didn't say anything for a little moment

" Yes! TaTa can be my mommy! " He said happily and I smiled and kissed his cheek and closed the door

I walked into my bedroom and say Taehyung laying on the bed

" Jeongsan said that he wants you to be his mommy," I said smiling and laughing

" That's so sweet but..." He said trailing off and I frowned and took off my shirt and laid on top of him

" What about it? Aren't you happy? " I said confused and he shook his hand yes

" Of course I'm happy, almost all of their life that they haven't had a mother in their lives and I feel proud I can be there for them...But what if we break up? I don't want their twin saying " Where Mommy ? " or " Is Mommy coming back ?" I don't wanna hurt them like that " He said sadly and chuckled lightly and pulled him on top of me

" Trust me Tae, we aren't gonna break up anything soon....I'm literally in love you so...." I said laughing and he giggled and kissed my nose

I stared at him and leaned in for a kiss. He smiled and kissed me with passion. The kiss was filled with love and passion...Till I But on his bottom lip, causing him to moan into my mouth

I sucked on his bottom lip and he slides his tongue into my mouth. I groaned lowly and pull my hands on his bottom thigh. He cupped my cheek and deepened the kiss and I harsh gripped his thigh

" Take your shorts off," I said against his lips and that's when he pulled away

" We are not fucking at your parent's house," He said laughing and rolling off of me and walking into the bathroom

" But why? " I said winching and following him

" Cause you know I'm a loud moaner and I don't want your parent to hear me moan. It's embarrassing, especially when I just meet them today " He said pointing out

" Okay....I'll just put my hand over your mouth baby...please," I said pouting

" Nope, you're not fucking me, " He said cutting the lights off and walking out of the bedroom

" But I'm hard," I said pouting and pointing to my boner which was hard and looking like it was about to pop out of my pants

" Ugh...I'll give you a quick blow job but that's it, " He said rolling his eyes and getting on his knees in front of me

Ohhh...This is gonna be good

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