Chapter Forty

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~ Jungkooks POV ~

A few days pasted and it was the day of the twins birthday, December 11th. Taehyung and I both woke up and smiled at each other

" I'm so not ready for the twins to come running in here and jumping on the bed, yelling that's it's their birthday " Taehyung said laughing and rolling over

" I know right , they do it every since year but luckily, We have you this year so it will be better " I said smiling and kissing him. The kiss got heated minute by minute and we both were back under the sheets, hands roaming each other and tongues in each other's mouths

I heard the sound off my small run to our door and we both pouted. Taehyung yelled from them to come in and they opened the door and jumped on the bed

" ITS OUR BIRTHDAY MOMMY AND DADDY ! " Jeongsan said squealing and looking at us while Janggsan smiling and hugged me

" It's sure is our little princes , happy 5th birthday " Taehyung said kissing their cheeks

" What do you both wanna
do for your birthday? " I asked them and they thought about it for a little bit till speaking back up

"We wanna spend time with Mommy and Daddy for our birthday! " Janggsan said smiling and kissing Taehyung's cheek

" You do ? Don't you wanna have a party or something? "

" Nope , I wanna spend time with Mommy for our birthday " He said smiling and hugging Taehyung who was smiling right back at the twins

" How about we going to Lotte World for the day then come back and eat ice cream and cake " I said smiling at them and they happily nodded and I told them to go take a bath

" Let's take a shower " He said smiling and pulling me out of bed and into the bathroom. We took of our clothes and hopped in the shower

" How many coconuts scented shower products will you continue to buy ? " Taehyung said laughing and starting to wake his hair and he hissed as a slapped his ass

" Jeon ! " He said yelling at me and I gave him a bunny smile and he smiled, then kissed me

We finished our business and got dressed. We saw the Twins sitting on the couch. We walked the twins into the kitchen and fixed them a bowl of cereal. Taehyung wrapped his arms around my torso and kissed the side of my neck. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist

" I'm so happy to Twins get to have an actual fun birthday this year " I said smiling and he nodded and kissed me with love

" We are done Daddy " The Twins said smiling and pulling us to the door. I grabbed my keys and we walked out of the door and into the car

Taehyung buckled up the twins in their car seats before getting inside the car and smiling

" Mommy and Daddy , can we play Disney songs " Janggsan said smiling and I looked at at Taehyung

" This is gonna be a long ride "


" DADDY ! Look ! " Jeongsan said smiling and pointing to Lotte World which was right into view

" Yes babies " I said smiling and pulling up into the parking lot. We unbuckled them and held their hands as we walked up to the entrance and I paid for all of our tickets

" Pick a ride you wanna get one " I said to the twins and they pointed the Merry go round. I nodded and placed them on a horse and smiled once I saw Taehyung snap a picture of all 3 of us

" New background ! " I said smiling and I turned my attention back to the twins who were laughing and smiling. They pouted as the ride ended but soon smiled once they was another ride they wanted to get on

Taehyung smiles and placed them on the mini train ride. He quickly took out his phone to record his babies having the time of their lives

" Tae...You have no idea how much you've helped me...I haven't seen the twin so happy in such a long time...I swear I'm dreaming, I love you so much...Please don't leave me " I said frowning and started to tear up cause I really love Taehyung

" Oh Kookie...You've help me to...Ive never thought it'd have a family like this, I love you too much to leave you, I'm not going anywhere I promise "

" Can we get on one last ride Mommy ? " Janggsan said smiling and we nodded and walked around to see a ride that the twins haven't rode yet

" Look , there's one ! " I said pointing the a pirate ship ride and the twins smiled and ran in line. We waited and placed the twin in the ride. I took out of my phone and recorded them. The ride ended and I smiled once they ran to me and hugged me

" Are you ready to go home ? " I said smiling and they nodded and exited Lotta World and started to drive home. We didn't forget to get a cake and ice cream

We all laughed and stepped into the house. Taehyung smiles and quickly put the cake and ice cream into the kitchen

" Ready for ice cream and cake babies ? " I said smiling and nodded and ran into the kitchen, excited for the tasty dessert

Taehyung cut them a slice of cake and a big scope of ice cream. He smiled and started to eat their dessert and I looked at Taehyung and smiled

" Thank you so much for being here for me , I feel like a terrible father cause I never gave the twins the birthday they deserve but now it's perfect...No more lonely nights " I said whispering and smiling

" Oh Kookie , you'll never have any more lonely night....I'm always gonna be here " He said cupping my face and kissing me

I swear I'm dating the perfect man

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