Chapter 8

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Joan's pov
A voice comes through the speaker, and it's none other than Tony's.

"This is just temporary," he says.

I quickly turn my head to the one way mirror in shock.

"Let me out Tony. Please you don't understand. I need to get out of these restraints. Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"Why do you think? You lied to use Joan. We thought we could trust you, but clearly we were wrong."

I look down to my left arm and see that it's the metallic one. Completely open and exposed. I close my eyes and let out a sigh.

"What did you think would happen? We would have found out eventually. I just don't understand, why didn't you tell us?" He asks.

"I-I didn't know who to trust. I was afraid something like this would happen," I say simply.

I look back over to Dr, Cho who is now holding a syringe in her hand. I can feel the blood drain from my face.

  "What is that? What is that?" My voice coming out frantic and shaky. I watch as Dr. Cho gets closer to me. "What is that? Stop please! Let me go!" I scream.

I try even harder to get out of the restraints but now they've tightened, digging deeper into my skin.

I can feel Cho's cold hands on my arm and then a pinch. My body stiffens up, each muscle contracting, and then it goes limp. I try to fight off the darkness that threatens to consume me, but it's not long until I am over come by sleep.

Bucky's pov
I feel like crap. Like every part of my body is on fire. I feel like my head is going to explode. I go to sit up and instantly, I place my hand on my head.

"Your awake!"

I open my eyes to see Steve. He's siting next to me in one of the chairs. I look around to see that I'm in one of the hospital rooms.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice sounding groggy.

"You don't remember?" Steve asks.

I just shake my head no. Everything felt hazy and out of sorts.

"We were sparing and things got out of hand. Rose and Joan got into a fight and you and Nat had to step in and help. Rose threw Joan through a wall and you and Nat went to help. When we got there though, Joan said something, and then all four of you guys just dropped,"Steve explains.

"Who's Rose and Joan?" I ask.

Steve gives me a look of confusion and worry.

"Rose is one of the new recruits. We saved her from a Hydra base five days ago. Joan has been here for about a year," Steve explains.

Wait, he means Black Winter. Wait, but why did he say Joan? It doesn't matter, it'll come back to me.

"How are you feeling?" Steve asks.

"Like shit," I say rubbing my temples.

"Let me get Bruce," Steve says, getting out of his chair.

"No, I'm fine. Where's Nat and Joan?" I ask.

"Nat just woke up and Joan is in a containment room."

My eyes go wide at this. "What? Why?" I ask, my voice coming out stronger then I meant.

"She lied to us. Bucky, I think she was a mole. She has a metal arm just like your old one. She can't be trusted."

"That's bull Steve and you know it. Take me to see her," I demand, standing up to face Steve.

"Buck, she's been infiltrating us. She can't be trusted."

"Let me talk to her. You don't know her like I do. You don't know the full story."

"Fine," Steve sighs.

As we're walking, we end up stopping in front of a metal door. I look at Steve with a look of confusion. Once he opens it, he signals for me to step in first, so I do. I walk up to the window and my eyes are filled with horror. I place my hand against the glass and see Joan strapped down to a metal table.

She seems to be unconscious. Her head and limbs are all tied down to the metal table. Her hair resting on the table peacefully, part of it hanging off the table. I look down to her arm and see that she has two different types of needles in her arm.

I turn around to face Steve. "What the hell are you thinking?" I yell, shoving him up against wall. "Get her out of those!" I demand.

  I could see fear entire Steves eyes. He's genuinely scared.

"Bucky I-"

"No! Get her out of those damn restraints now! You have no idea what those restraints mean to people like us," I scold.

I let go of him and we both walk over to a control panel. I watch him push a button and the restraints let go. I open the door and rush to her side. I rip out the needles and get her off of the metal table.

"James?" She asks groggily.

Her eyes are fluttering open. I nod my head and swipe a piece of hair behind her ear. Her hair is soft, but slightly knotted. Her icy blue eyes showing signs of fear. It also looks like she has been crying.

"James, I-"

I quickly hug her and wrap my arms around her. Then, she does something I didn't expect her to do. She hugs me back.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she cries into my shoulder.

I pull her back and look at her. "What are you sorry for?"

"I shut you down. I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do. I know that's not my place and-"

"Joan, it's ok. I forgive you. You did what you had to do. I'm not mad," I tell her with a soft smile.

"James, I want to get out of here," she says in a week voice.

  I nod my head and place her arm around the back of my neck. I help her off the table and we make our way out of the room.

  "Buck, I don't think-"

  "Not now Steve," is all I say, walking right past him.

How could he let that happen? How could he just lock her up like that? He knows some of the things I've been through, so why would he let this happen to her?

  Once we get back to our floor, we make our way to her room. I open the door and once we walk in, I set her down on her bed. To my surprise, her room looks empty and desolated. The bed looks like it's never been sat on. Then, that's when I spot a pile of blankets on the floor. She never settled in. This breaks my heart.

  "It's too soft," she squeaks out.

  I look to her and give her a soft smile. "I know. It took me a while to get used to it. Still sleep that way from time to time."

You spend most of your life sleeping on hard concrete floors, then all of the sudden, your aloud luxurious things. It's weird and uncomfortable. We were trained to be comfortable with uncomfortable. We were taught to welcome pain. Beds, that was something that you could earn, but in order to do that, meant doing the unthinkable.

  "Get some rest. I'll make sure no one bothers you."

I turn around, about to leave the room, until I feel her cold metal hand, touch my human hand. I turn back around and look at her. She was looking down to the floor. I've never seen her this vulnerable before.

  "Can, can you stay?" She asks quietly.

  I look at her and take in everything about her. Her facial features, her posture, everything. I nod my head and she lets go of my arm. She lays down on the bed and turns her back towards me. I watch as she curls herself up into a ball. She seemed so small and fragile. I can't help but smile at her. I turn around to face the door and sit down with my back leaning against the bed. I bring my knees up and rest my hands against my knees, staring at the door. I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to her. Not again. Not, like the last time she had asked me to stay.

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