Chapter 15

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"Look Joan, truth is, we need your help. We know that you've been the one to take down all those Hydra bases. You've been beating us by a day or so. You know how they think, you know how this works. But you've killed too many people," Tony says.

"If you come with us and help us, we will let everything go. We need you apart of our team, not against us. We know what your capable of, we underestimated you before and we're sorry for the way that we handled things, but right now we need you. The world needs you," Steve says.

"You're too patriotic Cap, it's sickening. But fine, I'll help you. But, we're doing things my way. I'm not following your rules," I tell them.

"Fine, but if things get out of control, we're stepping in," Tony says.

I look down to the ground and sigh. What am I doing? Why would I help them? I mumble, "Fine." And then make my way back to the hotel.

"Where are you going? I thought you said that you were helping us?" Tony asks.

"I am, I have to grab somethings. I already know where the jet is. I'll be there in thirty minutes," I tell them before disappearing in the snow.

Once I'm back at my hotel room, I change from the dress into my Hydra suit. I walk into the bathroom and make sure to clean up all and every print left behind. I have already disposed of every hair particular. Once everything is spotless, I make my way out of the hotel.

I'm on the tenth floor, so using the window, I sneak out and into the night. It doesn't take me long until I finally reach the jet. Once I get there, I walk onto the plat form and into the main area. Everyone's already standing there, waiting for me.

"Is the suit and mask necessary?" Tony asks. "I mean, it does really make you look like your apart of Hydra," Tony adds.

"Do you see any symbols that relate to Hydra?" I ask coldly.

"No, but-" he trues to fight back.

"Then drop it or I'll make you," I growl.

I walk over to one of the seats and sit down, soon, everyone follows and we take off. The ride back to the tower is long and quiet. I can  feel James eyes on me and it is starting to piss me off. I didn't like people staring.

"You mind?" I ask.

James quickly looks away and everyone just looks at me. I hate this, it feels weird and awkward. I was doing just fine until they showed up.

"So, you were the one taking down all those Hydra bases, right?" Rose asks.

I turn my attention to her and just look at her. She knew the answer, so why ask a stupid question like that one?

"How did you do that by yourself?" She asks.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to ask stupid questions?" I bark.

"Ok, enough. Rose, let's leave her alone. Joan, don't be mean," Steve says.

I inspect the two of them. They're e sitting next to each other and when I barked, she reached for Steve's hand.

"Isn't she a little young for you Steve?" I ask.


"I guess it makes sense. I mean, why you would lock me up, to keep your beloved Rose safe. All in the name of love," I say while rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry I did that Joan. I never meant to hurt you and put you in that position."

"Oh cut the bullshit Steve! You knew exactly what you were doing. You pinned me to that metal table and walked away. Because what? You were scared? You wanted to keep Rose safe? I never showed any signs of hurting her, unlike her! How about we just spend the rest of the ride in silence, ok?"

I rest my head against the wall and look up, letting out a long breath. I just want to get Ivan and kill him, once and for all.

"You changed Joan," Natalia says.

I look to her with a confused look.

"Like you even knew me," I scoff.

"I did. You trained me, do you not remember? Your the reason I came to S.H.E.I.L.D. Your the reason that I became good. Look, I don't know what they did to change you, but the Joan I knew, was kind hearted and sweet," she adds.

"Well, she died a long time ago. Who ever you knew was weak and flawed."

"Your not flawed? Didn't you end up getting your guy?" Tony says.

  I look over to the doorway of the cockpit, where he's leaning on the doorway.

"I would have killed him if you didn't slow me down," I snap.

"Sorry there soldier," he chuckles.

"You guys don't get it do you?" I say while hanging my head.

"What do you mean?" Steve asks.

"He's worst than Red Skull. He helped start Hydra, him and Hitler worked hand in hand. All those deaths due to the war are his fault. Vietnam, who do you think whispered in their ear? The JFK, MLK, and Malcom X assassinations, who do you think planned those? I was just the one holding the gun. He is responsible for much more than just those. All the child trafficking? That's his doing, and you just let him escape, meaning that more and more people are going to die by his hands. Now who has blood on their hands?" I was recalling starting to get pissed.

He is responsible for so much. Pretty much anything bad that has happened in the last century, is by his hand, and mine. I brush my hand through my hair and let out a sigh. He's the only one who knows how to get full control over me, and now that he knows what my plan is, he's going to find me.

"How do you know all this?" Wanda asks.

"Because I've been with him since the beginning. I was the first Black Widow and the first Winter Soldier. Why do you think my name is Black Winter? I've been with them since I was seven. That was back in 1922," I inform them.

"You came to us in 2022, you were with them for one-hundred years? How did you survive?" Wanda asks.

"I didn't."

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